Finding and removing trigger points in the lungs to help preventing and treating 2019-nCov, Covid-19, cold, asthma, coughing, COPD, and flu A

Finding and removing trigger points in the lungs to help preventing and treating 2019-nCov, Covid-19, cold, asthma, coughing, COPD, and flu A

Finding and removing trigger points in the lungs to treat Covid-19, Corona, flu, flu A, cough, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonitis, COPD, chest pain, coughing, difficulty breathing, tonsillitis, rhinitis. Boost the lungs. to the illness caused by the virus,  there is no medicine. But the health of the individuals makes a great difference. There is no medicine…

Finding and removing trigger points in the lungs to help preventing and treating 2019-nCov, Covid-19, cold, asthma, coughing, COPD, and flu A

Series of Self-healing for chronic diseases from applying Papaya leaf juice, baking soda, aspirin, sugar, temperature, Vietnamese Qi Gong, breathing, exercise, metabolism, and traditional medicineVan Duy Dao – Trainer, Author of Awaken You Wonderful We.1. Self-warming the hand and feet and the whole body to reduce irritation, treat Raynaud, numbness and tingling in hands and feet,…

Preventing and treating Coronavirus, Covid-19 or Corona outbreaks lies in the finding and removing trigger points in the lungs and the whole body.

Preventing and treating Coronavirus, Covid-19 or Corona outbreaks lies in the finding and removing trigger points in the lungs and the whole body. Preventing and treating Coronavirus, Covid-19 or Corona outbreaks lies in the finding and removing trigger points in the lungs and the whole body. v Finding and removing trigger points in the lungs to…

Finding and removing trigger points in the lungs to help preventing and treating 2019-nCov, Covid-19, cold, asthma, coughing, COPD, and flu A

Series of Self-healing for chronic diseases from applying Papaya leaf juice, baking soda, aspirin, sugar, temperature, Vietnamese Qi Gong, breathing, exercise, metabolism, and traditional medicineVan Duy Dao – Trainer, Author of Awaken You Wonderful We.1. Self-warming the hand and feet and the whole body to reduce irritation, treat Raynaud, numbness and tingling in hands and feet,…

Hỗ trợ tự chữa hiệu quả viêm xoang, ho mạn tính, cúm, cúm A, cúm, coronavirus, Covid-19, viêm mũi mạn tính, ngạt mũi, đau tức quanh mắt, ù tai, dị ứng thời tiết, viêm phế quản, khó thở, mắt nhìn mờ, quáng gà, cận thị, ho lao và các vấn đề hô hấp mãn tính, cao huyết áp, rối loạn chuyển hóa,

Hỗ trợ tự chữa hiệu quả viêm xoang, ho mạn tính, cúm, cúm A, cúm, coronavirus, Covid-19, viêm mũi mạn tính, ngạt mũi, đau tức quanh mắt, ù tai, dị ứng thời tiết, viêm phế quản, khó thở, mắt nhìn mờ, quáng gà, cận thị, ho lao và các vấn đề hô hấp mãn tính, cao huyết áp, rối loạn chuyển hóa,

Hỗ trợ tự chữa dứt điểm viêm xoang, ho mạn tính, cúm, cúm A, cúm, coronavirus, Covid-19, viêm mũi mạn tính, ngạt mũi, đau tức quanh mắt, ù tai, dị ứng thời tiết, viêm phế quản, khó thở, mắt nhìn mờ, quáng gà, cận thị, ho lao và các vấn đề hô hấp mãn tính,…

Preventing and treating Coronavirus, Covid-19 or Corona outbreaks lies in the finding and removing trigger points in the lungs and the whole body.

Preventing and treating Coronavirus, Covid-19 or Corona outbreaks lies in the finding and removing trigger points in the lungs and the whole body. Preventing and treating Coronavirus, Covid-19 or Corona outbreaks lies in the finding and removing trigger points in the lungs and the whole body. v Finding and removing trigger points in the lungs to…

Becareful ascension symptoms, localized and temporary hypoglycemia, hypotension.

Becareful forgotten health problems. Becareful with these easily treated symptoms, accumulate of it can create illnesses: localized hypotension and localized temporary hypoglycemia accumulated overtime and untreated will become chronic and systemic illness.Diabetic is an example of this. Diabetic patients have high glucose level in the blood vessels but low in the cells, organs. Injection of…