Religions of kindness: River, pond, sea, the lake is the different names but contain one thing: water, so do the religions.

Religions of kindness. River, pond, sea, lake are the different name of things contain water, so do the religions. Awaken parents wonderful kidsAwaken teachers wonderful studentsAwaken physicians wonderful patientsAwaken leaders wonderful world.Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Jesu, … taught and live with this.But shallow of love may make the pain more than love. True love is love with…

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure Van Duy Dao Abstract Observing the autistic kids: Autistic kids lack most social skills, communicating, persuading skills; the language is the product of living environment so kids poor in using native language make us think of the quality and…

Seasonal Stress in America and World kill the most, not cold, heat or flu

Seasonal Stress in America Stress month of America is the January and February because it is the time to pay the debt on credit card: the highest death rate and heart diseases. The financial burden is so heavy for them because they have overspent on the shopping season and Black Friday before Christmas and New…

Awaken parents, teachers, leaders, – the saving for Autism, ADHD, Failure, Depression, Suicide, Mental illness and other problems learnt from the conversations of the Old

Awaken parents – the conversation of the old But “They live in stress, eating in fear, sleeping in anxiety, playing in the boring safe side, wearing luxury clothes in discontentment, studying with pressure, getting lifesaving vaccination hysterically, and sexing with contempt. They never find real joy and happiness. Stress chemical: adrenalin, noradrenalin, and cortisone  have…

Buddha’s teaching of looking at a pippala leaf helps us gain mindfulness and understanding of Tao Te Ching

Buddha’s teaching of looking at a pippala leaf helps us gain mindfulness and understanding of Tao Te Ching Buddha’s teaching helps us gain understanding by looking at a pippala leaf. With a pippala leaf in hand, looking deeply at the pippala leaf, we can clearly see the presence of the sun, stars, earth, water, cloud, rain, and space. Lacking any of…

Emotion Come From HEAD, not HEART – Cảm Xúc đến từ TIM: SAI

Emotion Come From HEAD, not HEART – Cảm Xúc đến từ TIM: SAI The subconscious mind scans the environment than creating the conditioned responses in the body silently that the conscious mind does not know. The mind control brain via Hormones systems. And the heart is the place where the signs of mind are most…

People are the same, but they coded differently

Human Being is Being Coded with the responses but they do not know: behaviors to any things:  Name, Taboos, Religious, Smell, Sound, Sight, Song, Weather are the coded Responses that create changes in act, mood, thought, behaviors and countless changes in the body that they do not consciously know – GUT FEELING is the ONE….THEY…

Immeasurable phenomena in one single fact – The universe is a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram of interconnected phenomena

Immeasurable phenomena in one single fact – The universe is a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram of interconnected phenomena Extracted from Awaken You Wonderful We Chapter 6. Immeasurable phenomena in one single fact There are countless phenomena in just one single event. One single event happens to us can create countless changes as responses in our…

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure Van Duy Dao Abstract Observing the autistic kids: Autistic kids lack most social skills, communicating, persuading skills; the language is the product of living environment so kids poor in using native language make us think of the quality and…

Must know about autism, delayed speech: the key to prevent and cure autism.

Are there any autistic kids communicate well, talk well in special schools? I see NONE!  So can we prevent autism from preventing delayed speech? Đợi đến mẫu giáo thì đã muộn – vai trò của thời gian quý báu đầu đời. Vô cùng tàn nhẫn, vô cùng yêu thương – bố mẹ có thể tàn…

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure Van Duy Dao Abstract Observing the autistic kids: Autistic kids lack most social skills, communicating, persuading skills; the language is the product of living environment so kids poor in using native language make us think of the quality and…

Understanding, Predicting, Preventing and Healing Autism, Delayed Speech from A to Z

Are there any autistic kids communicate well, talk well in special schools? I see NONE!  So can we prevent autism from preventing delayed speech? Đợi đến mẫu giáo thì đã muộn – vai trò của thời gian quý báu đầu đời. Vô cùng tàn nhẫn, vô cùng yêu thương – bố mẹ có thể tàn…