Religions of kindness: River, pond, sea, the lake is the different names but contain one thing: water, so do the religions.
Religions of kindness.
River, pond, sea, lake are the different name of things contain water, so do the religions. Awaken parents wonderful kidsAwaken teachers wonderful studentsAwaken physicians wonderful patientsAwaken leaders wonderful world.Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Jesu, … taught and live with this.But shallow of love may make the pain more than love. True love is love with compassion, love with understanding, love with patience and love without greed, anger.Buddhism make it to the highest: the religion of understanding or enlightenment: they know what is in, out, the source of it in the body, mind, thinking and object of thinking. We reach to the emptiness, egoless, nothingness.
This is the best fit with the teaching of Lao Tzu.
And this is best suit to the teaching of Quantum physic: pure energy with the character of wave and particle. When we try to find particle we find the pattern of the wave, when we try to catch it as wave we will see a pattern of the particle. Electron and photon will give you this view.And the characters of this is in Yin and Yang philosophy.Yes: all in one, one in all. When we understand: we will know the roots of our success, failure, achievement and problems, illness. We are an interdependent world: no single cause create all thing, but all things are in the interdependent web. So how can we blame for food, genes, chemicals, guns, drugs for our problems? They interact in the hidden web, to some extent, just a Blink ( Malcolm Gladwell) of the sages, leaders will give the Gut Feelings about the situation, and our world.The narrow view of one science or one group of people is only part of the truth, we need broader views. Looking the earth from the sun, the stars: there is no separation of you, me, kings, presidents, politicians. How to know us from distance sun? They may have to the quantum equation to know you, we: we change over time, each Plank time from the roles of doers, receivers, victims, creators, parents, kids, buyers, sellers, walkers, drivers.So what is the best philosophy to live in the interdependent world?I want to send thank you great master Thich Nhat Hanh from Hanoi Vietnam.And I have finished my work in the eye of science, philosophy, psychology, medical in one single project to help me, others to understand the teachings of the sages.I am FROM THE WORLD. SOLAR SYSTEM, GALAXY. 2018. all in one; one in all. Do not forget that we are interdependent, We are one. We share the same sources. Billions have died born and disappear, events also. And the mass of earth does not change. You exhale the air other inhale, you eat the things have sourced from the waste of others.When we realize we are interdependent, treating good to other mean treating good to you. Giving love is taking love; there is no separation as we assume, we will free from Depression, fear, anxiety, and anger, and free from the Fights and Flights at home, work and in bed. WE WILL FREE FROM ALL TERMINOLOGIES OF PROBLEMS IN PHYSICAL HEALTH, WEALTH AND LIVING.Pressure from Work, School, Study, Family. Ability smaller than PRESSURE leads to Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Headache, Distraction, Upset Stomach, and Blood pressure, blood glucose always raises for FIGHT & FLIGHT Mechanism.Problems start from MIND, MINDSET.

They may suffer the minor or severe effect of STRESS.Problems come from Mindset, Symptomatic medication is useless, that is why patients have to take medication for weeks, months, years or the lifetime to calm the symptoms of Chronic diseases down.To some extent, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, relaxation therapies, Forgive, forget, Let it Go and Gratitude HELP better than medication.PATIENTs WITH CHRONIC DISEASES USE TOO MUCH SLEEPING PILLS, PAINKILLER, PAIN RELIEVERS, MUSCLE RELAXATION MAY BE ADDICTED TO IT TO FIND THE TEMPORARY RELAXATION OR TEMPORARY GOOD FEELINGS. THAT’s WHY YOU TAKE MEDICATION FOR WEEKS, MONTHS OR YEARS BUT DO NOT HELP RELIEVING THE CHRONIC DISEASES.Watch out to see any LIVING CREATURE:1. Indifference – 2. Fight 3. and Flight all days.Dogs, instinctive creatures, have the park, out twice a day. If not it will get AUTISM, ADHD, DEPRESSION with felt signs: INDIFFERENCE, FIGHT, FLIGHT. Sadly, Kids is in boxesFelt signs: INDIFFERENCE, FIGHT & FLIGHT from IRRATIONAL MIND forgotten by RATIONAL scientists: Dog’s living maybe better than Autistic kid’s.Felt signs caught by the Religious leader, artist, Educator, better than Ph.D., Scientist & Autistic machine. So NLP, affirmation, meditation is better than medicine, punishment.How many Aha, Oh Yeah, Awh moment do we and our beloved ones have?How can we heal, prevent, treat the things we do not know? A lot of resources put in researching and carrying out but the trend of Suicide, Autism, ADHD, Gunfire are Soaring???REDEFINE OF STRESSThe right definition of stress: human beings have basic human needs described by Abraham Maslow. Anything threatens of satisfying these needs will lead to Fight and Flight responses. IF people cannot change the situation, threaten, they will be the victims of STRESS AND STRESS HORMONES.What if we were adopted since infants in another place? Do we still have and love the things we have: language, religions, rituals, taboos, Gods, and funeral ritual.Do you agree that If you were adopted and raised in Vietnam: 99% your religion would Atheist or Buddhism , God is all of your death ancestors, and you would love lots of weirs Vietnamese taboos and religious festival, like to eat all meat like 90 million Vietnamese: pork, beef, lamb and Dog’s meat.Language is the variation of sound that each sound has conditioned with specific meaning by the environment. You call “Water” we call “Nước”! The deaf can not know their name by sound but can by the signals and character.Sorry! What is the difference between people, what is wars really for, what the soldiers and troops really fight, kill and dies for in the interdependent changing world?They always feel stress and threat. They may suffer stress: with the character of Indifference, Fight and Flight. You can observe base on psychology knowledge and observersThe younger the kids, the better of the learning: they have to adapt. 1-3-5-10 is fine, new language is just connected it with the old that they know. How hard to teach 50, 70 years old men learn a new language. The difference is attitude, eager, concentration, enthusiasm, imagination, curiosity…I have finished in theory to make all understand easily but it needs the hands of other to make it into the guideline and teach to all students, people, parents about the subtle and mysterious of Causes and Effects that we do not consciously know.Can autism, ADHD, depression be predicted, prevented and healed? Why and why not? Any ideas, please!Do genes changeable or fixed? What genes make autism or genes is just a sign, symptoms of autism? and how can fixed genes make the rainbow of autism?Let’sLets see the problems we face that we have tried hard but cannot solve:The living standard increases substantially but why the rate of mental illness, autism, ADHD, suicide, gunfire are soaring? Is there any hidden unknown philosophy may help?I know:Pressure from Work, School, Study, Family. Ability smaller than PRESSURE leads to Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Headache, Distraction, Upset Stomach, and Blood pressure, blood glucose always raises for FIGHT & FLIGHT Mechanism.Problems start from MIND, MINDSET.They may suffer the minor or severe effect of STRESS.Problems come from Mindset, Symptomatic medication is useless, that is why patients have to take medication for weeks, months, years or the lifetime to calm the symptoms of Chronic diseases down.To some extent, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, relaxation therapies, Forgive, forget, Let it Go and Gratitude HELP better than medication.PATIENTs WITH CHRONIC DISEASES USE TOO MUCH SLEEPING PILLS, PAINKILLER, PAIN RELIEVERS, MUSCLE RELAXATION MAY BE ADDICTED TO IT TO FIND THE TEMPORARY RELAXATION OR TEMPORARY GOOD FEELINGS. THAT’s WHY YOU TAKE MEDICATION FOR WEEKS, MONTHS OR YEARS BUT DO NOT HELP RELIEVING THE CHRONIC DISEASES.A simple solution that even the deaf, blind and poor parent, brothers can do:Love, connection, and suitable problems/difficulties make ABILITIES that people can deal well with life, it means they understand, master or controls their life. Raising or do a test on animals, you will have crazy animals.Let’s see the vital roles of these four factors to the Beings.

Ebook awaken you wonderful we available free on kdp library from Van Dao Duy

Real needs of human being and real lack of modern people:
1. Unconditional love.2. Connection: people, animal, diversified nature, understanding with parents.3. Unstressed environment: happy, warm, cheering; then make them have the feeling of safety, certainty to work, try, play, do and fail… they have more skill and abilities to deal with the needed problems, the challenge in life.4. Ability to deal with fact of life – the fact that some people may think is a big threat, problems, or danger.- The combination of these four factors describes the big difference in boy and girls in autism, ADHD: the instinct of female make an infant, the cute make girl do not get problems.Father said: “the day autistic child happy he will less over-react than a stressful day.”If gen, food, chemical or … there will have the same percentage of boy and girls, the city, and the countryside.With normal development, 2-3 months old children have the responses, interested, pay attention to the talking and smile back, shaking hands and body when parents talk directly to them. Do this regularly, you if you see the signs of not paying attention or indifference: the early signs of stress, over time children, may get more severe problems in the brain and mental problems. Observe the pattern of sleeping, eating, crying, and emotion to realize early signs since 1-2-3 months old to have the early simple intervention.You should pay attention to provide more love, peaceful environment, sing, dance, play music with joy, create the natural energy of the young for kid, not the stupid quiet, silence and too much tidy of the nursery home, you are peace of mind to kiss, hug, embrace, chances of creating abilities, and more connection to the diversity of nature, animal, and real fruit.The variation of these four factors and the combination of them are the answer to all problems that scientists do not pay attention:- In ADHD, Autism: boy much more than girls because Girls from the instinct are more cute, more communicable than boys.- ADHD, Autism in the city is significantly higher than in the countryside, even the city has a better standard of living, eating,.. but they lack connection, freely play, learn from nature and other kids. Children have more abilities to adapt to stress than in the city. But they got another stress, problems.- Dogs, cats can create contact with kids and help autistic kids- Scientists see that Oxytocin can help an autistic child, they are doing more research to carry it on the autistic child in the future.- Children in the orphanage may have enough food, protection, and less stress but they lack love, intimate connection with parents so most of them have problems with social skills.- Because of stress, lacking skill, if wrong and poor intervention, kids may develop many other diseases: depression, psychotic problems, … that we do not know why.River, pond, sea, lake are the different name of things contain water, so do the religions.Awaken parents wonderful kids – Awaken teacher wonderful students – Awaken physicians, wonderful patients – Awaken leaders wonderful world.Profound teaching, they are the best scientist???

January is the month of death, and the trend is increasing year after year. There are seasonal fluctuations in United States deaths. I think it matches the seasonal stress in the United States. Let look at the top 10 American children’s health concerns from C.S Mott children’s hospital national poll on children’s health, 2011.
Table 23: Top 10 American children’s health concerns, 2011
Top U.S. children’s health concernsChild health concern % rated as “Big problem” in 20111. Childhood obesity, 33%2. Drug abuse, 33%3. Smoking and tobacco use 25%4. Teen pregnancy, 24%5. Bullying, 24%6. Internet safety, 23%7. Stress, 22%8. Alcohol abuse, 20%9. Driving accident, 20%10. Sexting, 20%
Top 10 U.S. Children’s health concerns rated by Hispanics
Health concern, % rated by Hispanics as “Big problem” in 20111. Drug abuse, 49%2. Teen pregnancy, 44%3. Childhood obesity, 44%4. Child abuse& neglect, 38%5. Stress, 38%6. Driving accident, 37%7. Bullying, 37%8. Smoking and tobacco use 35%9. Internet safety, 34%10. Sexually transmitted infections, 33%Source: C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health, 2011

Ø County with the highest level prevalence of frequent mental distress among United States Adults: 2003 – 2009 is the Southeast United States or urban areas.Ø Heart disease death rates, 2008 -2010, adults, by county, highest in the Southeast United States or urban areas.Percentage of people in poverty for the past 12 months, by state in 2011; the 2011 United States poverty average is 15.9 %. The Southeast states have a high percentage of people live in poverty. The gap of standard living makes the poor become more discontent and more stressed when they compare with rich people. Arizona has 19% of people in poverty, Mississippi with 22.6% of people in poverty.According to Huffington Post, people live in urban areas of southeast America have the healthy life expectancy at age 65 is 13 years or less, whereas, people live other less developed areas have the life expectancy at age 65 is higher; some areas with 15 years or more.
Seasonal stress in America
Stress month of America is the January and February because it is the time to pay the debt by credit card. The financial burden is so heavy for them because they have overspent on the shopping season and Black Friday before Christmas and New Year.· Americans are so much stressed after overeating, overspending, and discontent with stressful work after the long holiday. So that the flu season in America in January and February. There are a lot of incidences of deaths, flu, and strokes at the beginning of the year more than another month of the year. Even the weather of spring is better than the weather of winter.· The incidences of death rates and heart diseases in The United States during the beginning of the year are significantly higher than another month of the year and similar to with other developed countries.· Americans are so much stress with the burden put on them so that the month of heart diseases is February.American misery index of 2014 searched on the GoogleLook at the daily misery index, 2014 by the keywords searched on Google are depression, anxiety, pain, stress, and fatigue. The fluctuation of the searches is also the fluctuation of stress in the United States in 2014, retrieved from “The Google misery index: The times of year we’re most depressed, anxious and stressed” by Christopher Ingraham on The Washington Post:- The searches rise in the spring and fall, ebb during the summer months, and drop sharply during holidays. Christmas is the least miserable days of the year, with Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day.The rhythm of stress during the week:Peaks and valleys in the raw reflect the rhythm of the workweek. People are more stressed on weekdays, less so on weekends. Weekends are the best day of the week:· Pain and anxiety peak on Mondays, these numbers suggest that people literally hurt more on Mondays or afraid of boring stressful work.· Stress and depression are high on Tuesdays. Fatigue is high on Wednesday.· Searches for all terms drop sharply going into the weekend and then edge back upward on Sunday.· The gap between weekends and weekdays shrinks in the summer months (summer holiday): those peaks and valleys are a lot closer to each other in July than they are in March and April.· The annual trend in searches for “seasonal affective disorder,” we will find that these peak in December and January. But the broader terms like “depression,” “anxiety,” and “stress,” all show a pronounced dip in December. It means that shopping, preparing, planning, waiting and expecting, and enjoying for the important and exciting days of the year make people happier than other days.· At the daily level, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas day, and New Year are all among the year’s least-miserable or least stressed days.· After long and expensive holiday has made people more frustrated with work, but they have to bear the financial burden of the overspending credit card for the shopping season, Black Friday, and the spending during the holiday has made the people suffer the worst stress. These may be the trigger of the stress that they have suffered for a long time.· Randomly, on Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014 the large upper-level of stress words searched were accompanying cold front draped across the Central United States on April 18. Formed April 15, 2016, and dissipated April 23rd, 2016. With snowfall, ice accretion, and rainfall near 51 cm around the Houston, Texas areas. Damage $ 2.7 billion. On 23rd April 2016 was the highest search with the stress words.· 4/7/2016 is the National Day of America. People enjoy and celebrate so the stress words search on Google is the lowest.· Perhaps, people glad and treat well with each other on Valentine day, so the Saturday after valentine day of 2016, the stress words search on Google is the lowest.· Days of New Year, Thanksgiving, and Christmas was the happiest day of American. So the stress words search on Google is the lowest.Reading this article, the facts show the reader enormously how fragile modern people are! People in wealthy countries and all over the world are fall to the rhythm of stress on society. There are no direct root causes, stress is the accumulation of countless bad behaviors. Rare anyone can escape from the effect of stress, all people are affected by stress directly or indirectly. Worse of all, the infants, babies, the young, the old, the weak are the most fragile creatures affected first, then all people in society and the whole world will suffer later directly and indirectly. The sages will show the way to get out the spiral of stress.
The South African Stress and Health (SASH) study
Time for contemplation: mixing pictures to find out the cause and cure

By observing, you will see people living in the city with a lot of facilities do not make them happy if they have a discontent mind. Even worse, by comparing with other, discontent mind can fall to extreme stress.People of South African are more stress than Nigerians are. Perhaps they do not accept or deal well with the problems as Nigerians do. They do not deal well with poverty and inequality as the Nigerians do. Lack of skills, abilities and discontent mind make them suffer more stress than Nigerian.Especially, people in cities are lack of connection with people and nature so that they fall to more stressful and mental illness compared with the people in the rural areas.People and children in cities are better facilitated and fed than the people and children in the rural areas so that they lack some vital skills to deal with stress, people in cities are more stressed and get more mental illness than people live in the city. It is the skill, ability, and environment have directly and indirectly caused people stressed.The Western Cape, which has the highest prevalence of common mental disorders, was the first region of South Africa to be colonized and has a high level of urbanization. In contrast, rural provinces generally have lower rates of common mental disorders, with the lowest rates in the Eastern Cape.South Africa has a relatively high 12-month prevalence of anxiety and mood disorders when compared with the other countries in the World Mental Health Survey. Only Belgium, France, Germany, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Colombia, Lebanon, and the USA have higher rates of anxiety disorders than South Africa. And Belgium, Lebanon, Colombia, The Netherlands, France, Ukraine, Israel, New Zealand, and the USA have higher rates of mood disorders than South Africa. Hopeful that in the near future, scientists will find out detail the varieties in the cause and effect of stress on people.Only 1 in 10 Nigerians had a lifetime DSM disorder, compared with 1 in 3 South Africans. Compared with Nigerians, twice as many South Africans had lifetime anxiety disorders, 4 times as many had lifetime mood disorders, and almost 6 times as many had substance use disorders. Reasons for differences in the prevalence of mental disorders in high- and low-income countries belong to the varieties stress states in the mind of people.A recent study conducted by international research company Bloomberg, ranked South Africa as the second “most stressed out” nation in the world, following Nigeria. El Salvador was ranked third. “High-stress levels have been linked to mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, and can also lead to substance abuse. In severe cases, these problems can lead to a person becoming suicidal,” says Viljoen, but if make a deeper investigation, people will be astonished by the results of stress and the causes of stress that they are making and bearing.

The problem of the rich: substance abuse
Psychiatric illness on the rise: South Africa already has high rates of substance abuse with, for example, alcohol alone being the third-highest contributor to death and disability among citizens, according to a 2014 study published in the South African Medical Journal.Dominique Stott from the Professional Provident Society, an insurance company for graduate professionals, said: “Rates of major mental illnesses such as schizophrenia seem to be stable but cases of depression and anxiety are certainly escalating.” Perhaps, stability in major mental illness is own for the raising high standard of living, healthcare, and insurance so that they can treat the mental illness sooner and better. But the case of depression and anxiety are escalating because these above factors do not have any influence on the poor habitual living, poor cultural living, the stressful lifestyle and the poor abilities of the individuals.
Season of stress, not the season of heat and cold
Summer break in the United States – Around 10-11 weeks, either from the end of May to early August, early June to Mid-August, or the end of June to the day after Labor Day in early September, or late June to the day after Labor Day – depending on region and state.The death rate in Canada by month from 2007 to 2011 is the same. Whereas the incidents of injury are increased substantially during these months, and the teenage deaths during these months do not reduce as the total death.During these summer days, just the small fluctuation of the hot temperature below 35 Co degrees can make changes in the number of deaths in developed countries. Temperature with 35 Co degrees is the normal temperature during the summer of people in developing countries in South East Asia, India. And it can be seen as the cool temperature in India and Africa. People in these developing countries usually live with a shortage of electric and water during the hot summer.Lack of vital things leads them to lack of the adaptability with the small changes in temperature. The temperature is not the cause of deaths; perhaps, it is the trigger to worsen the stress of stressed people in western countries.People died more because of diseases caused by stress despite the fact that the standard of living and healthcare have increased substantially.
Worldwide Facts
Over 80 percent of the world’s deaths from heart disease occur in low- and middle-income countries. Stress is the product of poor interaction with too many problems and inequality. These lead to the discontent mind.Stress is illogical. The mind is irrational.These can explain the paradox that the French diet is high in dairy, fats, and red meat, these factors known to increase heart disease risk.According to Oishimaya Sen Nag from,
The top five countries with the highest rates of heart disease deaths are:
1. Russia2. Bulgaria3. Romania4. Hungary5. Argentina
The top five countries with the lowest rates of heart disease deaths are:
1. France2. Australia3. Switzerland4. Japan5. Israel
Rainbow of stress
Because of the difference in the social status, social recognition, social gender advantages, religions, instincts, abilities, talents, and skills of different gender so that men and women suffer different stress outcomes spread on the rainbow of stress.In America, suicide rates with age from 15-24 years old people, the number of males committed suicide substantially higher than the number of females.Nation sport in America caused different fatalities per 100000 students in high school after-school club activities from 1998 to 2007. It depends on the kind of fierce competitive sport or cooperative sport:Ø “Fatalities per 100000 students are highest in Judo and Rugby”, and lowest in tennis and table tennis.Ø The sports like basketball, soccer, baseball have an average number of fatalities per 100000 students.Cancer alarm at the firehouse, is it relates to stress at work? The answer is yes. Let see some clues. Stress in fighting fire is the factors that may multiply the effect of air quality of the firing building. No one can imagine how stressful, how horrible, how hard in the battle with the fire of firefighters. Firefighters, their friends, the lives of people may die if they make mistake and fail.During the firefighting, their bodies have surged with the highest level of stress chemicals than the workers of other jobs that rarely anyone can imagine.The study of Harvard researchers also showed that younger firefighters had more cases of certain types of cancer, such as bladder and prostate, than expected, that chances of lung cancer increased with time spent at fires, and the chances of dying from leukemia increased with the number of fire runs. These may be the indicators of skills, abilities, and state of mind of the young firefighters.Harvard researchers led by postdoctoral fellow Emily Sparer, researchers including students from Harvard and MIT have teamed up with local fire departments to tackle a healthcare mystery: How does the firehouse itself increase cancer risk among firefighters?The research showed an elevated rate of cancer diagnoses and deaths for firefighters, mainly for the digestive, oral, respiratory, and urinary disease. In addition, firefighters were about twice as likely to develop malignant mesothelioma, rare cancer related to asbestos exposure.
Heal thyself
There are facts that breast cancer survivors cite in preventing a recurrence. The major contribution to the long-term breast cancer survivors relates to the mind like positive attitude, diet, healthy lifestyle, exercise, stress reduction, and prayer. All of these factors help to make people happier, less misery, less stress than normal. These factors make the mind in a good state and happy state so that the potential mind will correct the immune system, activate the healing function of the bodies. The human mind and human bodies have the most sophisticated and most effective function of protecting and healing the body that people not yet know.
Table 24: Attributions of cause and recurrence in long-term breast cancer survivors, 2001
Factors Percent1. Positive attitude 60%2. Diet 50%3. Healthy lifestyle 40 %4. Exercise 39%5. Stress reduction 28%6. Prayer 20%7. Complementary therapies 11%8. Don’t know 5%9. Luck 4%10. Tamoxifen 4%The source: D. E Stewart et al., “Attributions of cause and recurrence in long-term breast cancer survivors,” 2001
37. Nature does not answer or revenge human beings
Luckily, nature does not care for human mistakes, human cruelties. Nature is just changing faster owning for the contribution of human beings. The slow pace of nature and evolution has created a heaven on earth through billion years. Slow but steady. How miraculous in nature that human beings do not know entirely. But one thing I know about the miracle of nature: all sophisticated creatures spices, bugs, flowers, animals, viruses, bacteria, and all the things people see, hear, and touch are the outcomes of revolution of raw materials in nature. Coal, gas, oil and countless residuals, fossils are the remaining of the previous creatures accumulated for billions of years. Human beings and the human world also are the products of nature evolved for billions of years. Look at your body and your children’s body: how miraculous are the eyes, ears, intestine systems, heart, kidney, and brain! I am astonished seeing the creatures of nature. I am surprised seeing the wonder of nature. The moment of “Ah”, “Wow”, “Incredible”, “Awesome,” the bright wide opened eyes, and smiling faces cannot enough to describe how miraculous nature and what exactly hidden inside nature?Unfortunately, nature takes billions of years to create a suitable environment for the development of human beings and temporal creatures. Each time of changing from the one ecosystem to the other ecosystem lead to the massive destruction of all beings. Dinosaurs started and dominated the earth for nearly 200 million years. Human evolution has only started for 65 million years, and the history of human beings is only 12000 years. Unfortunately, the changes caused by the human being are so enormous that nature starts to have some changes: hurricane, earthquake, landslide, storm, eruption volcano, the ozone layer, atmosphere, etc… In 2017, the Hurricane Irma in the United States is twice as powerful as every World War II bomb dropped. Hurricane Harvey equal to one million Hiroshima Bombs per Day. We are too fragile and too weak with any changing of nature or ecosystems. If human beings still greedy like before, no one can have an exact answer to how long human beings will survive.Look at the “natural disasters reported from 1900 to 2007” on we can easily draw out some facts: the natural disasters was stable low during 1900- 1940 fluctuated around 10 to 20 disasters a year, but since 1950, the number of disasters has astonishingly soared and reached to 500 natural disasters in 2000. If the natural disaster keeps soaring with this rate in the 21st century, billions of people will be the victim of natural changes and no one can warrant the safety of any other people.Writing this book, a lot of events and crisis happened to the world with unknown causes. Most astonishing one is the two powerful earthquakes struck Mexico in just one month. From CNN, for the second time in two weeks, a powerful earthquake struck Mexico, toppling buildings, cracking highways and killing hundreds of people. The magnitude-8.1 quake struck off Mexico’s southern coast on Thursday night; it’s been described as the strongest earthquake to hit Mexico since 1932.
The hidden correlation
There is always the correlation between all events happened to people, society, countries, and the world. The name of events, the description of the events, and the characters of events may not the same, but they all bear the same pattern. The pattern comes from the quality of the interaction of all creatures, beings, and elements in it. There are no single separate people, self and, ego, and beings. The world is interdependent. We are inter-beings. The quality of our life depends on the quality of life and the quality of all people despite that we cognitively know about their existence or not. The world is mysteriously interdependent, the virtues, pace of nature, Tao, and principles are the hidden laws control the interdependent world; these are the core in the teachers of all great philosophers, great religious leaders, and great educators.Each time, people commit cheating, violating virtues, or doing against principles, they may do not cognitively care about the behaviors. But their potential mind can sense the smell, sound, and images of danger or non-safety. Each time they commit mistakes, their unconscious mind will sense the threatening which destroys the satisfaction of their basic needs, they make their mind fall to the more and more state of stress. All the luxury covers, wealthy cannot compensate for the weakness inside, cannot satisfy the hunger inside of beings. The more they neglect, the bigger the stressed mind. The mind may be stressed because it understands the effects of the bad actions but it cannot send the message to the cognitive mind, cannot create gut feelings strong enough to catch the notice of cognitive mind, and it cannot stop the countless bad actions… Until no one can help them.

Do you want to try the feelings of danger and un-safety?
– Try to cheat someone for money.- Try to pickpocket someone’s money- Try to cheat on the exams- Try to treat anyoneAnd best of all is from the experiences: remember the feelings, pain, embarrassment, and uncertainty when you accidentally or purposefully making harm other, breaking the expensive pot, and any behaviors that you know that it is against the common senses.More Readings:
Tự kỷ, tăng động và chậm nói mối liên hệ ngầm giúp chỉ ra nguyên nhân, dự đoán, phòng và can thiệp hiệu quả from Van Dao Duy
Seasonal stress in America and the world kill the most, not cold, heat or flu from Van Dao Duy
The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure from Van Dao Duy
Tự kỷ, tăng động và chậm nói mối liên hệ ngầm giúp chỉ ra nguyên nhân, dự đoán, phòng và can thiệp hiệu quả from Van Dao Duy
Time for contemplation: mixing pictures to find out the cause and cure
1. Conditioned responses, the world have conditioned All things we have are the results of conditioned responses2. How did Hitler seduce the mind of millions of people and soldiers?3. I AM SORRY VICTIMS, WE ARE WRONG!4. Love is a verb, right understanding is unconditional love, how to get the right understanding?5. Real cause of-of human problems: Autism, Depression, The four causes of human problems6. Seasonal Stress in America kill the most, not cold, heat or flu7. The Lacking of Modern World in the Teaching of Lao Tzu8. The Lacking of Solvable Major Cause Modern Society leads to the Stress World.9. The Potential of Brain: Intuitive Mind and Gut Feelings from Awaken you wonderful we10. The root causes of depression, stress, Autism, ADHD11. The Stressed World: this is our problems12. Useful advice for stressed mother stressed parents
Van D. Dao.(2017). Awaken You Wonderful we: How do we create heaven on earth? The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems:Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them: Ability, Autoimmune diseases, Belief system, Gut feelings, Hysteria, Learning, Learning difficulties, Mental problems, ADHD, Alcohol use disorders, Anxiety disorders, Autism, Behavioral disorders, Conduct disorders, Depression, Drug use disorders, Eating disorders, Suicide, Physical health, School problems, Stress, Talent.

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Ebook awaken you wonderful we available free on kdp library from Van Dao Duy

Ebook awaken you wonderful we available free on kdp library from Van Dao Duy

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