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AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WEHow do we create heaven on earth?The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems:Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them:AbilityAutoimmune diseasesBelief systemGut feelingsHysteria***********LearningLearning difficultiesMental problemsADHDAlcohol use disordersAnxiety disordersAutism*************Behavioral disordersConduct disordersDepressionDrug use disordersEating disorders*****************SuicidePhysical healthSchool problemsStressTalent

Brief of the work:Conditioned Responses – things that secretly control our mind, body, and behaviors called RESPONSES that we consciously or unconsciously know but still control our lives.It is not gun-control but most important is control what makes the mind want to use the gun to fire.Forget the gun, arguing about it later, focus time to think to prevent the millions of healthy kids, workers, citizens, soldiers today from committing gunfire in the future.Pressure from Work, School, Study, Family. Ability smaller than PRESSURE leads to Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Headache, Distraction, Upset Stomach, and Blood pressure, blood glucose always raises for FIGHT & FLIGHT Mechanism.Problems start from MIND, MINDSET.They may suffer the minor or severe effect of STRESS.Problems come from Mindset, Symptomatic medication is useless, that is why patients have to take medication for weeks, months, years or the lifetime to calm the symptoms of Chronic diseases down.To some extent, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, relaxation therapies, Forgive, forget, Let it Go and Gratitude HELP better than medication.The brain is the most important organ in the body: accounts for 3% of body weight but consumes 20% of the body’s energy. The quality of the brain determines the quality of mind or thinking. And the food of thinking is ideas. What is the food you feed the mind of you, your spouse, and kids every day?How and What effect if kids suffer silently long-term stress. They will never learn all their social skills to live well in society. English, Vietnamese, walking, driving, skating, talking, discussing is never easy at all to learn. but kids in happy and suitable support can have all of this and make it as the kids’ instinct, Belief that all do not know. But these skills will be very difficult to learn. Golden time for forming the brain and learning may be lost. They may live under stress for years. Who else may be lack of social skill or EQ? The advantage of living may make the disadvantage of thinking and abilities.
Religions of kindness.
“River, pond, sea, lake are the different name of things contain water, so do the religions.” RumiGandhi, Mother Teresa, Jesu, … taught and live with this.But shallow of love may make the pain more than love. True love is love with compassion, love with understanding, love with patience and love without greed, anger.Buddhism make it to the highest: the religion of understanding or enlightenment: they know what is in, out, the source of it in the body, mind, thinking and object of thinking. We reach to the emptiness, egoless, nothingness.This is the best fit with the teaching of Lao Tzu.And this is best suit to the teaching of Quantum physic: pure energy with the character of wave and particle. When we try to find particle we find the pattern of the wave, when we try to catch it as wave we will see a pattern of the particle. Electron and photon will give you this view.And the characters of this is in Yin and Yang philosophy.
Yes: all in one, one in all.
When we understand: we will know the roots of our success, failure, achievement and problems, illness.We are an interdependent world: no single cause create all thing, but all things are in the interdependent web. So how can we blame for food, genes, chemicals, guns, drugs for our problems? They interact in the hidden web, to some extent, just a Blink ( Malcolm Gladwell) of the sages, leaders will give the Gut Feelings about the situation, and our world.The narrow view of one science or one group of people is only part of the truth, we need broader views.Looking the earth from the sun, the stars: there is no separation of you, me, kings, presidents, politicians.How to know us from distance sun? They may have to the quantum equation to know you, we: we change over time, each Plank time from the roles of doers, receivers, victims, creators, parents, kids, buyers, sellers, walkers, drivers.So what is the best philosophy to live in the interdependent world???I want to send thank you great master Thich Nhat Hanh from Hanoi Vietnam.And I have finished my work in the eye of science, philosophy, psychology, medical in one single project to help me, others to understand the teachings of the sages.
Meditation, alternative therapies, NLP, Affirmation, love-hug-kindness can help to control and master the mind.Science reaches the fail of finding a single cause of the diseases from the mind: mental illness, thinking, and poor abilities.Because the mind is not like the body. The body will give away all you put in just in several hours or days according to its half-life: food, vegetable, medicines, chemical, additives, mercury, gold, nutrition. Even body can heal the small abnormal cause by X-ray.But the mind keeps all in the conscious mind and subconscious mind. Millions of events, phenomena called Negative thinking, negative events, negative emotions, and negative experiences compound into diseases in mind, brain, body, abilities, genes, and health. It covers all terminologies in medical books. They are interdependent factors. How can Scientist figure out a single CAUSE?5 mins of rapping can affect whole life.5 mins of abusing can make victims fear whole life1 min of bombing, earthquake, the killing can affect their whole life.It creates the conditioned of Fight and Flight that they can not consciously control.WAIT: but all successful people have experienced this. How? Do only medication?Nope: medication can help to control and relieve but cannot cure.Some Examples: Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey, their friends, and their heroes, teachers.Who teaches this? Jame Allens, Abraham Maslow, Napoleon Hill, Benjamin Franklin, John Maxwell, Norman Vincent Peal, Buddha, God, hundreds of Self Help authors, leaders and religious leaders.They teach:Causes and EffectsSowing and reapingCompound effects of millions interdependent causes/effects.Try to find a single cause: we will fail.And SCIENTISTS HIT THE PARADOXESThis makes Robot with extremely high IQ can not catch abilities of human beings.Maybe this is the paradoxes of modern living.Love, connection, and suitable problems/difficulties make ABILITIES that people can deal well with life, it means they understand, master or control their life.Raising or do the test of cutting part of this on animals, you will have crazy/autistic animals.Animals in zoos will not live well in the jungle again. Kids adopted by animals since infant will lack all vital human skills to live well human society.Check the Outliers’ life, you will illusively think that they have healthy food, do not get vaccines, pure atmosphere, good genes, good education, healthy fat food like fish oil, cigarettes.Do genes changeable or fixed? What genes make autism or genes is just a sign, symptoms of autism? and how can fixed genes make the rainbow of autism?4 simple to check all that leaders usually do:1. The pattern of behavior: excitement, eager, attitude and are these three dangerous signs of beings: 1. Indifferent 2. Fight ( overreact) or 3. Flight (withdraw)2. Love, connection: nature, other beings, suitable problems/work/ challenging to build abilities and are they too much stress or not!3. All of these things make the quality of living: observe the attitude, are they exciting, how many Aha moment, how many Oh, Owah, great, in the pattern of receiving, giving, taking, playing, eating, and learning. Do not have clues? just observe the healthy kids.4. One thing to have success in life, work and happy life:It is not IQ, high degree, or Ph.D. degree.But it is EQ: understand self, other and time to act, time to stay away, time to let go:”Guiding without interfering is the highest art of leadership.” Lao TzuDo organizations have autistic/ADHD employees, managers? YES: level of leadership.Leadership is right brain function, EQ, illogical thinking. So the machine or talent ones with High EQ cannot have good leadership skills.
” Autistic, ADHD kids can become talented ones but only in IQ, never have talented one with EQ or interacting, communicating skill” sorry, these are the skills which can be learned.
The content of the book: Awaken You Wonderful We

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Time for contemplation: mixing pictures to find out the cause and cure

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