EMOTION IS FROM HEAD, NOT HEART – This is the key to understand GUT FEELING and prevent Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide.
EMOTION IS FROM HEAD, NOT HEART. This’s the key to understand GUT FEELING and prevent Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide. RIGHT???
Yes, brain. When the brain is forming most: fetus and infant: what will be happened if the immature brain formed in Stress, severe stress.I mean always shouting, blaming, crying, beating. If the brain can mature enough to overcome a stressful childhood. What the brain will be conditioned if they experience beating, shouting, separating, raping, … SOME MOTHERs SO STRESSED THAT THEY GOT DEPRESSION AFTER BIRTH.The fact is many people in wealthy countries are using antidepression medication to find relief. Most of the anti-depression medication is used to stimulate happy chemical: serotonin in Brain. When kissing, hugging, doing good, recognizing.. can stimulate Serotonin in the brain.Things are so simple but people try to make it complicated.All in one: behavior, gut feeling, heartbeat, state of mind, mental illness, quality of sleep, genes are one. Forget useless things which we are coded as facts: many of us also are the victims of stress we created even we are Ph.D., professors: let count how many professors you meet who good in remembering stuff but poor in acting, applying and self- controlling. They have a good memory but poor attitude: action full of greed and anger with high emotion, rapid heartbeat, and scrap in the face, stomach.My writing based on this evidence: I go first to solve human problems, and scientists will prove it latter as Einstein ‘s theory.
Just one of these can save our victims.
Sorry because I write it so simple that everyone can read, practice and understand.Scientists and Ph.D. will make it complicated latter. It also the philosophy in the Socratic paradoxes, Benjamin Franklin, Elbert Einstein, Lincoln, Montessori, Gandhi, Teresa, and modern leadership, Thich Nhat Hanh, Dalai Lama, art of winning people of Dale Carnegie, vital role of mind taught by Napoleon Hill, Jame Allen, Principles of Stephen Covey, Drive of Abraham Maslow;Letting go thinking, assumptions of Peter Drucker: help us think better, manage better.And the philosophy of a hundred self-help books is in my simple academic writing. Have you read Blink of Malcolm Gladwell:Reading this will make you understand all phenomena raised in Blink of Malcolm Gladwell – the book have left a lot of question for me to find. Best of all, write by the non-native English-speaking pharmacist, unsophisticated languages so all can read it: all my ideas have the support facts, articles. What else do you want me to show?
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EVENTS: gunfire, homicide; DISEASES: autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide, Chronic diseases, and
DISASTERS: flood, Tsunami, Earthquake…
and its increasing TREND is interdependent phenomena?
All are suffering stress because of treating poorly with each other. She/ he/ kids do not suffer alone. All can check to see the state of the world.
Stressed in the family, no matter rich or poor usually have simple patterns:
+ Father with cardiovascular diseases, sexual dysfunction.
+ Mother with mental diseases: depression, autoimmune diseases, stomach problems or thyroid problems.
+ kids under stress: upset stomach, vomiting, cold, flu symptoms. or Autism, ADHD, over-react, rebelling and/ or junior autoimmune diseases.
They live in stress, eat in fear, sleep in anxiety, playing in the boring safe side, wear luxury clothes in discontentment, study with pressure, and sexing with contempt, and hysterically getting the lifesaving vaccination. They never find real joy, happiness.
Lack of vital few in society in the world creates hysteria. Not cold, not flu, kill People but stress in mind, body, organ, brain, because of lacking Love, Connection, free stress environment and Ability or Understanding.
The world is spending half of it money: $ thousand billion on buying the weapon for finding safety, certainty or peace. Then they spend $ thousand billion on expensive medicine, luxury products, cars, villas for find the feeling of significance, recognition, importance, with the hope of sleeping well, relaxing, relieving, and enjoying the artificial comfort and happiness?
Men are searching for satisfied feelings – which can be coded or conditioned.
A stressed moment can kill a student
A stressed moment can kill a banker,
A stressed moment can kill a CEO,
A stressed moment can kill a politician.
They are strong but the severe stress moment can have affected all their life. It embeds in their brain, cell, the organ that we do not consciously know but the subconscious mind know that moment: smell, sound, noise, invisible signal then create the conditioned responses to it.
You see: Soldiers in the war ended 1950 are still under stress with any mild unwanted triggers.
Real need and a real lack
1. Unconditional love:
2. Connection: people, animal, diversified nature, understanding with parents.
3. Unstressed environment: happy, warm, cheering; then make them have the feeling of safety, certainty to work, try, play, do and fail… they have more skill and abilities to deal with the needed problems, the challenge in life
4. Ability to deal with fact of life – the fact that some people may think is the big threat, problems, or danger.
– The combination of these four factors describes the big difference in boy and girls in autism, ADHD: the instinct of female make an infant, the cute make girl do not get problems.
Father said: “the day autistic child happy he will less over-react than the stressful day.”

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If gen, food, chemical or … there will have the same percentage of boy and girls, the city, and the countryside. With normal development, 2-3 months old children have the responses, interested, pay attention to the talking and smile back, shaking hands and body when parents talk directly to them. Do this regularly, you if you see the signs of not paying attention or indifference: the early signs of stress, over time children, may get more severe problems in the brain and mental problems. Observe the pattern of sleeping, eating, crying, and emotion to realize early signs since 1-2-3 months old to have early simple intervention. You should pay attention to provide more love, peaceful environment, sing, dance, play music with joy, create the natural energy of the young for kid, not the stupid quiet, silence and too much tidy of the nursery home, you are peace of mind to kiss, hug, embrace, chances of creating abilities, and more connection to the diversity of nature, animal, and real fruit. The variation of these for factors and the combination of them are the answer to all problems that scientists do not pay attention: – In ADHD, Autism: boy much more than girls because Girls from the instinct are more cute, more communicable than boys. – ADHD, Autism in the city is significantly higher than in the countryside, even the city has a better standard of living, eating,.. but they lack connection, freely play, learn from nature and other kids. Children have more abilities to adapt to stress than in the city. But they got another stress, problems. – Dogs, cats can create contact with kids and help autistic kids – Scientists see that Oxytocin can help an autistic child, they are doing more research to carry it on an autistic child in the future. – Children in an orphanage may have enough food, protection, and less stress but they lack love, intimate connection with parents so most of them have problems with social skills. – UNFORTUNATELY, THE LEVEL OF STRESS IN THE MIND IS UNLIMITED, BUT THE PREPARE OF THE PHYSICAL BODY IS LIMITED. When the blood pressure high, glucose high, the organ may send the feedback signal for the brain to stop secreting hormones, and self-regulation mechanism activated. The brain still wants to raise the preparation of the body to a higher level to prepare for fight and flight. The brain may see other organs as the preventer or enemy. The immune system starts to attack its own organs: the autoimmune diseases. – Only the beta cell in pancreas be destroyed by the immune system – other strange, could not understand the mechanism of the autoimmune system: why it only attack ignorantly or intelligently attack one kind of cell, and let the nearby cell un-touch. Stress chemical: Adrenalin, noradrenalin, and cortisone, So Stress symptoms are: – Effects of Adrenalin: Sweating, Nausea and vomiting, Pale skin, Feeling short of breath, Dizziness, Weakness or tremors, Headache, Feeling of nervousness or anxiousness, – Effects of Norepinephrine: Pain, burning, Numbness, weakness, or cold, Slow or uneven heart rate, Trouble breathing, Vision, speech, or balance difficulties, Blue lips or fingernails, Spotted skin – Minor side effects Cortisol: Acne, dry skin, or thinning skin, Bruising or discoloration of the skin, Insomnia, Mood changes, Increased sweating, Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, stomach pain. – Serious side effects cortisol: Vision problems, Swelling, Rapid weight gain, Shortness of breath, Severe depression or unusual thoughts or behaviors, Seizures, Bloody or tarry stools, Coughing up blood, and pancreatitis: pain in your upper stomach that spreads to your back; nausea and vomiting; or fast heart rate. IF MIND IS UNDER STRESS: – Cardiologists may die because of high blood pressure or stroke. – Psychiatrists may be the victims of mental illness. – Gorge Oshawa found microbiology died because of the Heart attack. – All other the therapies: NLP, hypnosis, placebo, Meditation, yoga, and stress releasing will make the mind calm and at peace to correct all illness, problems that we do not consciously know, but one thing we know that their mind is in the better state, happier, and more positive. Better mind state help with all other therapies. – In the stress situation, an important interview, the important test, we all experience symptoms of stress caused by epinephrine, norepinephrine that we cannot control. Under stress, cardiovascular medication only makes temporary relief.
Because of me, because of you I always enjoy these chemicals in eating, receiving, getting, giving, sleeping and enjoying.
Paradoxes of writing, testing the opinions

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