Life is not paradoxical, life is art. Life is not calculated by autistic robot, life is must felt and created
The stuff during discussing to REMIND all about their, my, our PROBLEMS.
Contents of the Book: Awaken you wonderful weWho am I?Who are you?Why do you speak your language which is very difficult for me?Why do you have your religious?Are you ok if someone mistakenly spells your name wrong?WHAT IS THE TIME? what time is it in your country?IS THERE ANY RELATION BETWEEN HUMAN BEINGS?
My answer
Time is the assumption of Relativity to make we understand the relatives of Phenomena.
Time is the illusion/definition that let us know the relativity of things. 1 second equal to the N times of an Electron traveling around it Atom. So time is the assumption of moment moving. From the second we have the hour and the day. Time is relative. If American, Vietnamese, Chinese, Germany goes to live on the Moon, What is the day they will have? When will they celebrate the New Year? In time there is motion. And some scientist can write the equation without time. Just Emotion. time, space, weight, length all of these appear in the definition of other. So the world is interdependent. We try to separate is to support for better of thinking, communicating, and developing. It is just an assumption.I am FROM THE WORLD. SOLAR SYSTEM, GALAXY. 2018.all in one; one in all. Do not forget that we are interdependent, We are one. We share the same sources. Billions have died born and disappear, events also. And the mass of earth does not change. You exhale the air other inhale, you eat the things have sourced from the waste of others. …. When we realize, we will free from Depression, fear, anxiety, and anger, and free from the Fights and Flights at home, work and in bed. WE WILL FREE FROM ALL TERMINOLOGIES OF PROBLEMS IN PHYSICAL HEALTH, WEALTH AND LIVING.Look at the wars, the wars of religions. We will find that GOD DO NOT BLESS THEM, GOD DO NOT HELP THEM. THEY DO BLESS THEM.
AND Mind masters like to play the game of thorn to code the mind of millions of people.GOD DO NOT BLESS THEM. THEY BLESS THEM, WE BLESS THEM. GIVE HAND TO EVEN THE SMALLEST

Effects, side effects of stress hormones controlled by Brain cover all symptoms of ADHD, Gut Feeling, Autistic spectrum.
Do you know conditioned response? Your language, skill, driving skills, professions, the pattern of behaviors and pattern of emotion, fear or anxiety or excitement are CONDITIONED RESPONSES. Even Walking, naming, ritual, taboos are coded in the mind of people, dogs, or tamed animals as conditioned responses. infant left in Jungle will have the conditioned responses of the animals which adopt him. Maybe he will like to crawl instead of walk.
WHAT HAPPENS if golden time: formation of the brain and vital social skills lack vital things? Forget the useless assumption. As I know, many Ph.D. have the highest degree in psychology but do not live well with husband and family, rigid knowledge does not help us much.I HAVE BIPOLAR AND I WANT TO GET OUT THIS THIS, PLEASE HELP.”meditate, change your state of mind will change your body, health with happy chemical: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins. these are the chemical that drug for antidepression or mental illness aims to increase in the body. love, hug, connection, understand or be understood, then abilities people should focus. When you have abilities over your problems, good EQ ( emotional intelligent by observing, thinking, interacting) you will never stress with the living in human society.”
Pavlov has taught about Conditioned Reflex. NLP take advantages of this with the science of mind and achievement. All art of communicating is using the knowledge of mind to talk, discuss and persuade people based on the need of people.

THINGS ALL SHOULD KNOW IS PEOPLE ARE CONTROLLED BY HUMAN DRIVE: certainty, uncertainty, love and connection, significance, Growth, and contribution.
Pressure from Work, School, Study, Family. Ability smaller than PRESSURE leads to Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Headache, Distraction, Upset Stomach, and Blood pressure, blood glucose always raises for FIGHT & FLIGHT Mechanism.Problems start with MIND, MINDSET.They may suffer the minor or severe effect of STRESS.Problems come from Mindset, Symptomatic medication is useless, that is why patients have to take medication for weeks, months, years or the lifetime to calm the symptoms of Chronic diseases down.To some extent, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, relaxation therapies, Forgive, forget, Let it Go and Gratitude HELP better than medication.

1. Indifference – 2. Fight2. and Flight all days.Dogs, instinctive creatures, have the park, out twice a day. If not it will get AUTISM, ADHD, DEPRESSION with felt signs: INDIFFERENCE, FIGHT, FLIGHT. Sadly, Kids is in boxes
Felt signs: INDIFFERENCE, FIGHT & FLIGHT from IRRATIONAL MIND forgotten by RATIONAL scientists: Dog’s living maybe better than Autistic kid’sFelt signs caught by the Religious leader, artist, Educator, better than Ph.D., Scientist & Autistic machine. So NLP, affirmation, meditation is better than medicine, punishment

Awaken You Wonderful WeHow can we heal, prevent, treat the things we do not know? A lot of resources put in researching and carrying out but the trend of Suicide, Autism, ADHD, Gunfire are Soaring???REDEFINE OF STRESSThe right definition of stress: human beings have basic human needs described by Abraham Maslow. Anything threatens of satisfying these needs will lead to Fight and Flight responses. IF people cannot change the situation, threaten, they will be the victims of STRESS AND STRESS HORMONES.No need to do the research, just see the fact of the modern, developed, abundant world.Suicide claims more lives than war, murder, and natural disasters combined.
In 2015 (latest available data), there were 44,193 reported suicide deaths in the U.S.Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for those between the ages of 15 and 34 in the United States.Currently, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. A person dies by suicide about every 12.8 minutes in the United States.Every day, approximately 121 Americans take their own life. Ninety percent of all people who die by suicide have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of their death.There are four male suicides for every female suicide, but three times as many females as males attempt suicide.494,169 people visited a hospital for injuries due to self-harm behavior, suggesting that approximately 12 people harm themselves (not necessarily intending to take their lives) for every reported death by suicide.Anger, anxiety, behavior, depressed, name, lack of mindfulness, lack of concentration, taboo, fear, happiness are Conditioned Responses; the are unconsciously coded and silently control us.
It can explain why Alternative therapies help. So best of all is an effective combination the advantages of all therapist.Do you think the pills that pharmacy sell, therapist recommend, and Ph.D. created work for you? It is good for acute, know the causes.ButIT JUST MAKE TEMPORARY and short-term. FOR LONG TERM, forget medication, start to find meditation. This will help you a little: Some thoughts, paradoxes of healing that makes me want to find the answer and put in this book”EMOTION IS FROM HEAD, NOT HEART. This is the key to open the door to prevent and cure Autism, ADHD, and Suicide. WHAT DO YOU THINK?”

Awaken You Wonderful WeThe brain is the most important organ in the body: accounts for 3% of body weight but consumes 20% of the body’s energy. The quality of the brain determines the quality of mind or thinking and the body via hormones, chemicals and electrical. And the food of thinking is ideas. What is the food you feed the mind of you, your spouse, and kids every day?”Stress creates mental illness, depression. What’ mechanism? What happens if newborn kids, infants suffer the same stress? Autism/ADHD?
The right definition of stress: human beings have basic human needs described by Abraham Maslow. Anything threatens of satisfying these needs will lead to Fight and Flight responses. IF people cannot change the situation, threaten, they will be the victims of STRESS AND STRESS HORMONES.
Every day, approximately 121 Americans take their own life. Ninety percent of all people who die by suicide have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of their death.
There are four male suicides for every female suicide, but three times as many females as males attempt suicide.494,169 people visited a hospital for injuries due to self-harm behavior, suggesting that approximately 12 people harm themselves (not necessarily intending to take their lives) for every reported death by suicide.Pressure from Work, School, Study, Family. Ability smaller than PRESSURE leads to Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Headache, Distraction, Upset Stomach, and Blood pressure, blood glucose always raises for FIGHT & FLIGHT Mechanism.Problems start with MIND, MINDSET.They may suffer the minor or severe effect of STRESS.Problems come from Mindset, Symptomatic medication is useless, that is why patients have to take medication for weeks, months, years or the lifetime to calm the symptoms of Chronic diseases down.

1. Indifference – 2. Fight2. and Flight all days.Dogs, instinctive creatures, have the park, out twice a day. If not it will get AUTISM, ADHD, DEPRESSION with felt signs: INDIFFERENCE, FIGHT, FLIGHT. Sadly, Kids is in boxes
Felt signs: INDIFFERENCE, FIGHT & FLIGHT from IRRATIONAL MIND forgotten by RATIONAL scientists: Dog’s living maybe better than Autistic kid’sFelt signs caught by the Religious leader, artist, Educator, better than Ph.D., Scientist & Autistic machine. So NLP, affirmation, meditation is better than medicine, punishmentHow can we heal, prevent, treat the things we do not know? A lot of resources put in researching and carrying out but the trend of Suicide, Autism, ADHD, Gunfire are Soaring???
PARADOXES OF HARVARDPARADOXES OF SCIENCEPARADOXES OF THE MORE.Awaken Buddies: 124 Americans died from suicide/day.
Over 50 % of all people who die by suicide suffer from major depression.PARADOXES OF THE RICH MAKE FAIL THE MODERN SCIENCE: Every day, approximately 121 Americans take their own life.SAD FACT:
Depression 25 million Americans suffer from depression each year.

Golden time may be lost:
Just remind: in the family, if parents arguing, attacking each other: they do not want to eat, sleep, play or enjoy thing because of anger. Their good kids will suffer more stress than the total stress of both parents. How on earth they can feel safety and encouragement to learn, try, fail, learn, try and fail to gain vital social skills from society. kids left in Jungle raised by wolves tend to move by 4 legs (hand and foot) and barking like Wolves. Golden time of learning may be lost because of useless argument. no need to do research, just remember your childhood, observe and ask kids about that.
Will the infants/kids develop well in the stress environment? The facts are there are many mothers got depression after giving birth every year.
Things I know is that most victims lack EQ or interaction skill, they understand things differently than most normal people understand. So misunderstanding may make all participants of interaction PAIN.
Autistic kids, ADHD kids may become talented ones but they only good at logical work, they never good at interacting or persuading work.
YOU WILL NEVER FIND TALENTED AUTISTIC ONES GOOD AT EQ so they will feel pain in dealing with people. Over time they may have a habit of negative responses.

Pressure from Work, School, Study, Family. Ability smaller than PRESSURE leads to Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Headache, Distraction, Upset Stomach, and Blood pressure, blood glucose always raises for FIGHT & FLIGHT Mechanism.Problems start from MIND, MINDSET.They may suffer the minor or severe effect of STRESS.Problems come from Mindset, Symptomatic medication is useless, that is why patients have to take medication for weeks, months, years or the lifetime to calm the symptoms of Chronic diseases down.To some extent, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, relaxation therapies, Forgive, forget, Let it Go and Gratitude HELP better than medication.
THAT’s WHY YOU TAKE MEDICATION FOR WEEKS, MONTHS OR YEARS BUT DO NOT HELP RELIEVING THE CHRONIC DISEASES.Process: knowledge, skills, wisdom, and Enlightenment. How to learn? By massive action. You put the dots of knowledge, definition into mind. The more you use, the better you are until you do not know why you gain that.What needed? Love, support, understanding, patience encouragement from outside and inside.Then you will knowLet all realizeKey to human problems.

Awaken You Wonderful WeWHEN WILL WE INTERPRET STATE or QUALITY of HUMAN MIND into EVENTS, DISEASES, and DISASTERS.EVENTS: gunfire, homicide; DISEASES: autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide, Chronic diseases, and DISASTERS: flood, Tsunami, Earthquake… and its increasing TREND is the interdependent phenomena?To some extent, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, relaxation therapies, Forgive, forget, Let it Go and Gratitude HELP better than medication.
PARADOXES OF SCIENCEPARADOXES OF THE RICHParadoxes of life, but not paradoxical at all
Paradoxes from seeingParadoxes from distorted viewingIn logical science, it called paradoxesIn life, it calledClose your eyesWe will sense, feel what life really isDogs, instinctive creatures, have the park, out twice a day. If not it will get AUTISM, ADHD, DEPRESSION with felt signs: INDIFFERENCE, FIGHT, FLIGHT. Sadly, Kids is in boxes
Felt signs: INDIFFERENCE, FIGHT & FLIGHT from IRRATIONAL MIND forgotten by RATIONAL scientists: Dog’s living maybe better than Autistic kid’sFelt signs caught by the Religious leader, artist, Educator, better than Ph.D., Scientist & Autistic machine. So NLP, affirmation, meditation is better than medicine, punishment
How can we heal, prevent, treat the things we do not know? A lot of resources put in researching and carrying out but the trend of Suicide, Autism, ADHD, Gunfire are Soaring???
Autism, Depression, ADHD: need to read 3 signals: 1. Indifference: low energy/activities 2. Fight: overreact to things. 3. Flight: to the crowd has fear, anxiety, withdraw
Forget the gun, arguing about it later, focus time to think to prevent the millions of healthy kids, workers, citizens, soldiers today from committing gunfire in the future.SORRY, With Coded hysterical angry stressed MIND/men, any tools: bottles, cars, trucks, airplanes, GUNS, protective tools, gas, protective weapons can become the tools to cheat, harm, make hurt or kill others.

But with Coded grateful, happy, kind, peaceful MIND/men, any tools: bottles, cars, trucks, airplanes, GUNS, protective tools, gas, protective weapons can become the tools to help, make peace or heal others.
It is not controlling the gun, but the most important is control the things that make the head use the gun
It is not gun-control but most important is control what makes the mind want to use the gun to fire.
Let all realize
Key to human problems.KEY:
Emotion comes from head, not heartMan search for feeling not meaning: house, car, ring, iPhone, Gucci, tattoos. Man’s action is driven by NEEDS.SLEEPNESS COME FROM WORRY OF THE DISEASES OF YOUR CHILD, THE ANGER OF THE WORKPLACE, THE FEAR OF YOUR FAULT MAY BE REVEALED. What’s pill?
Pressure from Work, School, Study, Family. Ability smaller than PRESSURE leads to Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Headache, Distraction, Upset Stomach, and Blood pressure, blood glucose always raises for FIGHT & FLIGHT Mechanism.
Problems start with MIND, MINDSET.They may suffer the minor or severe effect of STRESS.Problems come from Mindset, Symptomatic medication is useless, that is why patients have to take medication for weeks, months, years or the lifetime to calm the symptoms of Chronic diseases down.WHEN WILL WE INTERPRET STATE or QUALITY of HUMAN MIND into EVENTS, DISEASES, and DISASTERS.
EVENTS: gunfire, homicide; DISEASES: autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide, Chronic diseases, and DISASTERS: flood, Tsunami, Earthquake… and its increasing TREND is the interdependent phenomena?

To some extent, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, relaxation therapies, Forgive, forget, Let it Go and Gratitude HELP better than medication.
Paradoxes of life, but not paradoxical at all
Paradoxes from seeingParadoxes from distorted viewingIn logical science, it called paradoxesIn life, it calledClose your eyesWe will sense, feel what life really is.Antidepression: Read again, live again, act again, do again, fail again to realize life is the miracle. Medicine won’t help much.Awaken Dr, Ph.D., psychologist, psychiatrist.Any food, drug, vaccine put in the body also have Half-Life. Normally several hrs or 1 day, even poison chemical, they are carrying out of the body via urine, stool, and sweat.
But the STRONG NEGATIVE emotion: Fear, Anxiety, Pain, Hysteric, Stress coded deep in the brain last forever. Raping, beating, kicking, bombing, earthquake, abusing, seeing tragedy is just happen in 5 mins but can create a kind of STRONG CONDITIONED RESPONSE that affect the body for entire life. To some extent, they do not consciously know or control.All mental illness are the victims of STRESSFUL, FEARFUL EVENTS BUT WE DO NOT CONSCIOUSLY KNOW.The pills may help a little but can not cure the victims.To some extent, alternative therapies definitely help.

Process: knowledge, skills, wisdom, and Enlightenment. How to learn? By massive action. You put the dots of knowledge, definition into mind. The more you use, the better you are until you do not know why you gain that.
What needed? Love, support, understanding, patience encouragement from outside and inside.Then you will knowLet all realizeKey to human problems.Pavlov has taught about Conditioned Reflex. NLP take advantages of this with the science of mind and achievement. All art of communicating is using the knowledge of mind to talk, discuss and persuade people based on the need of people.THINGS ALL SHOULD KNOW IS PEOPLE ARE CONTROLLED BY HUMAN DRIVE: certainty, uncertainty, love and connection, significance, Growth, and contribution.Pressure from Work, School, Study, Family. Ability smaller than PRESSURE leads to Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Headache, Distraction, Upset Stomach, and Blood pressure, blood glucose always raises for FIGHT & FLIGHT Mechanism.

Problems start with MIND, MINDSET.
They may suffer the minor or severe effect of STRESS.Problems come from Mindset, Symptomatic medication is useless, that is why patients have to take medication for weeks, months, years or the lifetime to calm the symptoms of Chronic diseases down.To some extent, NLP, Hypnosis, Meditation, relaxation therapies, Forgive, forget, Let it Go and Gratitude HELP better than medication.PATIENTs WITH CHRONIC DISEASES USE TOO MUCH SLEEPING PILLS, PAINKILLER, PAIN RELIEVERS, MUSCLE RELAXATION MAY BE ADDICTED TO IT TO FIND THE TEMPORARY RELAXATION OR TEMPORARY GOOD FEELINGS. THAT’s WHY YOU TAKE MEDICATION FOR WEEKS, MONTHS OR YEARS BUT DO NOT HELP RELIEVING THE CHRONIC DISEASES.

Our angels“They live in stress, eating in fear, sleeping in anxiety, playing in the boring safe side, wearing luxury clothes in discontentment, studying with pressure, getting lifesaving vaccination hysterically, and sexing with contempt. They never find real joy and happiness. Stress chemical: Adrenalin, noradrenalin and cortisone created countless side effects on patients, which listed in any medical book.”• “You do not teach healthy kids to learn the languages: English, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese… but kids can make it become their instinct. That is the nature of learning without learning, Kid under three years old can do this as instinct.
Will the infants/kids develop well in the stress environment? The facts are there are many old never have to sit at the table to learn, but they learn every time with joy”
• “Nature of learning is learning without stress, learn just with joy, enthusiasm, with love, endless energy, and participate of all intelligence. The environment just supplies Unconditioned Love, Connection – Understanding, Encourage Environment, and Chances of Building Abilities.”
• “Walking, thinking, speaking native languages, studying countless skills: one-year-old kids, two-year-old kids, three-year-old kids never have to sit at the table to learn. But that time kids can learn more than anybody can imagine. Think about that before any blind intervention.”
• “Playing is learning, watching is learning, sleeping is learning, and doing are learning… Kids may experience “Flow” from the early stage of life. Kids’ most powerful tools are the weakness, beloved, cute, enthusiasm, pay attention, curiosity, asking, imagining, and learn, try, fail, think, learn, try, fail, think, learn, try, fail, think With Joy and safety. Think about that before each time of intervention.”
• “Best for kids: accept we may wrong to learn to create chances for kids grow. Socrates smart because he said he did not know anything. I feel cramp of Gut feelings when seeing the parents of kids with lots of problems said they know all things and start to blame all things except themselves for their problems.”
“You ask which research or publication my writing based?”I go first to solve human problems, and scientists will prove it latter as Einstein ‘s theory.”
“Yes, brain. When the brain is forming most: fetus and infant: what will happen if the immature brain formed in Stress, severe stress.””I mean always shouting, blaming, crying, beating.”
“If the brain can mature enough to overcome the stressful childhood. What the brain will be conditioned if they experience beating, shouting, separating, raping, … SOME MOTHERs SO STRESSED THAT THEY GOT DEPRESSION AFTER BIRTH.””The fact is many people in wealthy countries are using antidepression medication to find the relief. Most of the anti-depression medication is used to stimulate happy chemical: serotonin in Brain. When kissing, hugging, doing good, recognizing.. can stimulate Serotonin in the brain.”
“Things are so simple but people try to make it complicated.””All in one: behavior, gut feeling, heartbeat, state of mind, mental illness, quality of sleep, genes are one.””Power of simplicity: Book that teaches wisdom, enlightenment: Te-Tao Ching with 5000 words equal to 30 pages is much profound and useful than five thousand pages of psychology books and psychiatry books that students have to become psychologists or psychiatrists.”

“If you think you can or can’t, you are right” I have met many Ph.D.s said Autism, ADHD cannot prevent, sooth or cure. DO YOU?””Do ADHD, Autism, mental problems, insomnia, headache, suicide problems, social problems, stomach, heart,… the War HAVE RELATION?””Strength from inside is the best power that no need to cover my expensive phone, luxury bag, big degree to find safety, importance.”
“Awaken You Wonderful We
Awaken Parents Wonderful Kids
Awaken You Wonderful Kid
Awaken Teachers Wonderful students
Awaken Politicians Wonderful World”

“Stress can make mental illness, depression, what is the mechanism? What will happen if newborn kids, infants suffer the same stress?”
“Stress creates mental illness, depression. What’ mechanism? What happens if newborn kids, infants suffer the same stress? Autism/ADHD?”
When do we realize the Effects of stress on mind, body, and world? In mind, the brain we called mental problems, insomnia, ADHD, a headache, suicide problems, social problems. Effects of stress on the stomach, intestine we called the stomach problems, gastrointestinal problems; and heart, vein, we call cardiovascular diseases. Stress on the school: school problems. Stress on the world we called human problems, which may lead to World War.””Do you know: when you are sleeping, your brain still works to review, correct, and create the changes side of the brain and body, genes that we do not know. But we know how brain/ mind works by observing the pattern of sleeping with changing the pressure from the environment: EEG, Slow-wave sleep, REM sleep. We know that some chronic patients have some things strange with their genes, does its changes first or state of mind, environment create it then diseases are the perceivable symptoms.”Stress start from the state of mind “It is not cold, virus, flu make American ill, but the stressed mind. January is the most stressed month because of tired working, pressure from work, pressure from the deadline of the credit card, mainly from Stressed, Discontented, Hysterical MIND.” “If yes, only medication, pain reliever, opioids are useless; punishment is useless, prison is not enough. We need to think of an alternative technique to calm the mind, soothe the pain and find inner peace for all: meditation, and lifelong learning.””Use a smartwatch to record the changing of the body to know the changing of the state of mind, emotion: hatred, anger, stress, depression, and love.”Stressed in the family, no matter rich or poor usually have simple patterns:+ Father with cardiovascular diseases, sexual dysfunction.+ Mother with mental diseases: depression, autoimmune diseases, stomach problems or thyroid problems.+ Kids under stress: upset stomach, vomiting, cold, flu symptoms. or Autism, ADHD, over-react, rebelling and/ or junior autoimmune diseases.”Check these symptoms to know you are under stress or not, only by SMART WATCH.”AUTISM, ADHD…What would you do if you have to live like them?IF THEY MAY LIVE, EAT, GET VACCINE UNDER STRESS, FEAR, ANXIETY, AND HISTERIA, DISGUST, CONTEMPT. PLAY IN FEAR, BORING SAFE-SIDE. EXHAUSTED IN A RACE THAT NEVER ends”Stress chemical: Adrenalin, noradrenalin, and cortisone, and its effects are the best explanation for varieties of problems pr rainbow.- Effects of Adrenalin: Sweating, Nausea and vomiting, Pale skin, Feeling short of breath, Dizziness, Weakness or tremors, Headache, Feeling of nervousness or anxiousness,- Effects of Norepinephrine: Pain, burning, Numbness, weakness, or cold, Slow or uneven heart rate, Trouble breathing, Vision, speech, or balance difficulties, Blue lips or fingernails, Spotted skin- Minor side effects of Cortisol: Acne, dry skin, or thinning skin, Bruising or discoloration of the skin, Insomnia, Mood changes, Increased sweating, Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, stomach pain,- Serious side effects cortisol: Vision problems, Swelling, Rapid weight gain, Shortness of breath, Severe depression or unusual thoughts or behaviors, Seizures, Bloody or tarry stools, Coughing up blood, and pancreatitis: pain in your upper stomach that spreads to your back; nausea and vomiting; or fast heart rate.Under stress state, cardiovascular medication only makes the temporary relief. Because of me, because of you I always enjoy these chemicals in eating, receiving, getting, giving, sleeping and enjoying.- The combination of these four factors describes the big difference in boy and girls in autism, ADHD: the instinct of female make the infant, the cute make girl do not get problems.Father said: “the day autistic child happy he will less over-react than the stressful day.” If gen, food, chemical or … there will have the same percentage of boy and girls, the city, and the countryside.With normal development, 2-3 months old children have the responses, interested, pay attention to the talking and smile back, shaking hands and body when parents talk directly to them. Do this regularly, you if you see the signs of not paying attention or indifference: the early signs of stress, over time children, may get more severe problems in the brain and mental problems. Observe the pattern of sleeping, eating, crying, and emotion to realize early signs since 1-2-3 months old to have the early simple intervention.You should pay attention to provide more love, peaceful environment, sing, dance, play music with joy, create the natural energy of the young for kid, not the stupid quiet, silence and too much tidy of the nursery home, you are peace of mind to kiss, hug, embrace, chances of creating abilities, and more connection to the diversity of nature, animal, and real fruit.The variation of these for factors and the combination of them are the answer to all problems that scientists do not pay attention:- In ADHD, Autism: boy much more than girls because Girls from the instinct are more cute, more communicable than boys.- ADHD, Autism in the city is significantly higher than in the countryside, even the city has a better standard of living, eating. But they lack connection, freely play, learn from nature and other kids. Children have more abilities to adapt to stress than in the city. But they got another stress, problems.- Dogs, cats can create contact with kids and help autistic kids- Scientists see that Oxytocin can help the autistic children, they are doing more research to carry it on the autistic child in the future. – Children in the orphanage may have enough food, protection, and less stress but they lack love, intimate connection with parents so most of them have problems with social skills.- UNFORTUNATELY, THE LEVEL OF STRESS IN THE MIND IS UNLIMITED, BUT THE PREPARE OF THE PHYSICAL BODY IS LIMITED. AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES STARTED SILENTLY, IGNORANTLY BUT COLLECTIVELY.The stress comes from 4 things: lack unconditioned love for them to be the kids, lack of connection with nature and social: all normal activities that kids in the countryside have: these activities will build their skill and abilities: social skill or EQ, Lack of suitable problems to learn, try, fail to study and gain skills. and lastly is stress or problems. If their abilities above the problems, they will not stress at all. 1000$ may be the big problems for a student in Vietnam, but not you, but 1000.000 $ is big problems for you but not for Bill Gate, Does Bill Gate, Warren Buffet, Lincoln born with their talents. The answer is No, they Build on the year after year. my web will give you some understanding of it. If too much protection from blind love, Kids will lose all chance of Building skills. Self-made Millionaires know.Stress comes from 4 things: lack unconditioned love for them to be the kids, lack of connection with nature and social: all normal activities that kids in the countryside have: these activities will build their skill and abilities: social skill or EQ, Lack of suitable problems to learn, try, fail to study and gain skills. and lastly is stress or problems. If their abilities above the problems, they will not stress at all. 1000$ may be the big problems for the student in Vietnam, but not you, but 1000.000 $ is big problems for you but not for Bill Gate, Does Bill Gate, Warren Buffet, Lincoln born with their talents. The answer is No, they Build on the year after year. my web will give you some understanding of it. If too much protection from blind love, Kids will lose all chance of Building skills. Self-made Millionaires know this so they let their kids do all work that kids should do.Sorry because I write it so simple that every one can read, practice and understand. Scientists and Ph.D. will make it complicated latter. It also the philosophy in the Socratic paradoxes, Benjamin Franklin, Elbert Einstein, Lincoln, Montessori, Gandhi, Teresa, and modern leadership, Thich Nhat Hanh, Dalai Lama, art of winning people of Dale Carnegie, vital role of mind taught by Napoleon Hill, Jame Allen, Principles of Stephen Covey, letting go thinking, assumptions of Peter Drucker, hundred self help book. You will understand all phenomena raised in Blink of Malcolm Gladwell – the book have left a lot of question for me to find.

Contents of the Book: Awaken you wonderful we
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