Real cause of human problems: Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide, and Stress

The four causes of the human problem Simply Using smartwatch we can know the state of mind, the state of mind, the rhythm of feeling: love, hatred, stress or anxiety. To know the world are HYSTERICALLY STRESSED OR NOT?New view about autism, depression, ADHD. Thank you, mom and dad, friends, sorry for the pain and…

Ability, ADHD, Autism, body, conditioned reflexes, Conditioned Responses, connection, depression, early signs of stress, enviroment, heart diseases, lifelong learing, love, needs, real cause, stress,

Ability, ADHD, Autism, body, conditioned reflexes, Conditioned Responses, connection, depression, early signs of stress, enviroment, heart diseases, lifelong learing, love, needs, real cause, stress,

The four causes of the human problem Simply Using smartwatch we can know the state of mind, the state of mind, the rhythm of feeling: love, hatred, stress or anxiety. To know the world are HYSTERICALLY STRESSED OR NOT?New view about autism, depression, ADHD. Thank you, mom and dad, friends, sorry for the pain and…

Awaken You Wonderful We – Letter to Readers, Parents, Politicians, Scientists to save the victims of Autism, ADHD, Depression and Suicide Part 4

Awaken You Wonderful We – Letter to Readers, Parents, Politicians, Scientists to save the victims of Autism, ADHD, Depression and Suicide Part 4

Awaken You Wonderful We – Letter to Readers, Parents, Politicians, Scientists to save the victims of Autism, ADHD, Depression, and Suicide Part 4 Continued from: Awaken You Wonderful We – Letter to Readers, Parents, Politicians, Scientists to save the victims of Autism, ADHD, Depression, and Suicide Part 3“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand…

Review of the book: Awaken You Wonderful We from OnlineBookClub

Review of the book: Awaken You Wonderful We from OnlineBookClub

[Following is an official review of “AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WEThe secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems:Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them: Ability, Autoimmune diseases, Belief system, Gut feelings, Hysteria, Learning, Learning difficulties, Mental problems, ADHD, Alcohol use disorders, Anxiety disorders, Autism, Behavioral…

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure Van Duy Dao Abstract Observing the autistic kids: Autistic kids lack most social skills, communicating, persuading skills; the language is the product of living environment so kids poor in using native language make us think of the quality and…

EMOTION IS FROM HEAD, NOT HEART – This is the key to understand GUT FEELING and prevent Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide.

EMOTION IS FROM HEAD, NOT HEART. This’s the key to understand GUT FEELING and prevent Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide. RIGHT??? Yes, brain. When the brain is forming most: fetus and infant: what will be happened if the immature brain formed in Stress, severe stress.I mean always shouting, blaming, crying, beating. If the brain can mature…

A new philosophy of relations between brain, mind, body, physical health, the ego can prevent and save mental illness and create outliers.

Greed, Anger, and Ignorance are the root causes of misery in life. To gain long-lasting happiness, we have to remove our Ignorance or gain the right viewpoint of life, here is the new viewpoint or philosophy that help us overcome our ignorance.  The extracted of some chapters from Awaken You Wonderful We  Chapter 10. The new…

Emotion Come From HEAD, not HEART – Cảm Xúc đến từ TIM: SAI

Emotion Come From HEAD, not HEART – Cảm Xúc đến từ TIM: SAI The subconscious mind scans the environment than creating the conditioned responses in the body silently that the conscious mind does not know. The mind control brain via Hormones systems. And the heart is the place where the signs of mind are most…

People are the same, but they coded differently

Human Being is Being Coded with the responses but they do not know: behaviors to any things:  Name, Taboos, Religious, Smell, Sound, Sight, Song, Weather are the coded Responses that create changes in act, mood, thought, behaviors and countless changes in the body that they do not consciously know – GUT FEELING is the ONE….THEY…

Immeasurable phenomena in one single fact – The universe is a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram of interconnected phenomena

Immeasurable phenomena in one single fact – The universe is a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram of interconnected phenomena Extracted from Awaken You Wonderful We Chapter 6. Immeasurable phenomena in one single fact There are countless phenomena in just one single event. One single event happens to us can create countless changes as responses in our…

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure Van Duy Dao Abstract Observing the autistic kids: Autistic kids lack most social skills, communicating, persuading skills; the language is the product of living environment so kids poor in using native language make us think of the quality and…

As the mind, so the behaviorsAs the thoughts, so the acts As the mind, so the handAs the mind, so the walkAs the mind, so the eatAs the mind, so the sleepAs the mind, so the kind of diseasesAs the disease, so the genesFail in psychology lead to illnessFail in intervention autism may lead to…