Save the Kids, Victims, World from the Teachings Of Buddha

Buddha taught that greed, anger, and ignorance are the source of all misery. Lao Tzu also taught the same in Te-Tao Ching.Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein also taught the same.Let’s meditate, contemplate on their quotes to figure out why human beings are suffering in abundant living. Let’s learn to find out their real teachings to…

Philosophy, Science, Medicine, Brain, Mind, Body and Diseases in the Words of Nursery School for All

“Greed, anger and ignorant, Redefine of happiness, what is the heaven look like? The new way of thinking let us know and treat ADHD, Autism, Depression and Suicide, Homicide, Gunfire, and autoimmune diseases, all social problems and mental problems. And what are the hidden causes?” AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE1.  Summary:Sorry, if only when you make…


HỌC, THỰC HÀNH VÀ ĐẠT ĐƯỢC LỢI ÍCH CỦA THIỀN CHỈ TRONG TRONG 5 PHÚT Tham, sân, si và thiền trong quản trị cảm xúc Ngẫm vui:” Đời là bể khổKhổ do thamKhổ do giậnvà khổ do si mê.Nhưng Phật còn dạyvà người chỉ raNếu ta chịu tu tập,Nếu ta chịu rèn luyệnNếu ta chịu…

Awaken parents, teachers, leaders, – the saving for Autism, ADHD, Failure, Depression, Suicide, Mental illness and other problems learnt from the conversations of the Old

Awaken parents – the conversation of the old But “They live in stress, eating in fear, sleeping in anxiety, playing in the boring safe side, wearing luxury clothes in discontentment, studying with pressure, getting lifesaving vaccination hysterically, and sexing with contempt. They never find real joy and happiness. Stress chemical: adrenalin, noradrenalin, and cortisone  have…

A new philosophy of relations between brain, mind, body, physical health, the ego can prevent and save mental illness and create outliers.

Greed, Anger, and Ignorance are the root causes of misery in life. To gain long-lasting happiness, we have to remove our Ignorance or gain the right viewpoint of life, here is the new viewpoint or philosophy that help us overcome our ignorance.  The extracted of some chapters from Awaken You Wonderful We  Chapter 10. The new…

Buddha’s teaching of looking at a pippala leaf helps us gain mindfulness and understanding of Tao Te Ching

Buddha’s teaching of looking at a pippala leaf helps us gain mindfulness and understanding of Tao Te Ching Buddha’s teaching helps us gain understanding by looking at a pippala leaf. With a pippala leaf in hand, looking deeply at the pippala leaf, we can clearly see the presence of the sun, stars, earth, water, cloud, rain, and space. Lacking any of…

Most Helpful chapters from Awaken You Wonderful We.

Dear readers, fathers, mothers, teachers, educators, politicians and soldiers.  Contents of the Book: Awaken you wonderful we Ebook awaken you wonderful we available free on kdp library from Van Dao Duy Popular Posts 1.        Awaken parents, teachers, leaders, – the saving for Autism, ADHD, Failure, Depression, Suicide, Mental illness, and other problems learned from the conversations of the…

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure Van Duy Dao Abstract Observing the autistic kids: Autistic kids lack most social skills, communicating, persuading skills; the language is the product of living environment so kids poor in using native language make us think of the quality and…

Book of the Day June 6th – Temporarily FREE with the rate 3/4 on the Review of the book from OnlineBookClub

[Following is an official review of  “AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE” “The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems:Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them: Ability, Autoimmune diseases, Belief system, Gut feelings, Hysteria, Learning, Learning difficulties, Mental problems, ADHD, Alcohol use disorders, Anxiety disorders, Autism,…

Chung tay kết nối với tây y, khí công qua sinh hóa, chuyển hóa trong phòng và chữa bệnh

Chung tay kết nối với tây y, khí công qua sinh hóa, chuyển hóa. Quá trình thực hành của người không chuyên khí công – dược sĩ vỡ ra nhiều thứ, thực tế mình làm gần như ổn ngay với đa số ca trong tầm 2 tiếng, khám 3 chỗ, tự khám được.Về cơ học…