Và cơ chế can thiệp tự kỷ là gì mà nhiều trẻ khỏi. Can thiệp chả có gì ngoài các yếu tố tương tác môi trường, ăn, chơi, chạy, cát, nước, tự do và can thiệp hiệu quả khi giáo dục bố mẹ. Thực tế nhiều bé tự kỷ khỏi bởi tương tác có tâm đó.
Van Duy Dao from Vietnam, is a pharmacist, learner of personal development. Philosophy in studying is lifelong learning, from everyone, everywhere and study in joy, happiness from the drive inside. The school with teachers: books, internet, video, forum, every people; Van’s teachers is also the well-known speakers, authors: Stephen Covey, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Peter…
We will discuss the surrounding phenomena: Autism, depression, obesity, mastery, outliers, talent, ADHD, poor learning, stress, abilities, seizures, drugs, violence, and PTSD. Is there any relation among autism, ADHD, poor learning, stress, depression & mental health? Some by genes, some are not by genes but they are comorbid!What if we can have the diagnostic since…
What if autism is just viewed as having substantially poor social skills? From the definition, will kids recover from autism if they have full communication skills, emotional skills, and social skills?The big question for autism is: which cause make kids poor at these skills?This cause is also the cause of autism.And in the changing world,…
Human Being is Being Coded with the responses but they do not know: behaviors to any things: Name, Taboos, Religious, Smell, Sound, Sight, Song, Weather are the coded Responses that create changes in act, mood, thought, behaviors and countless changes in the body that they do not consciously know – GUT FEELING is the ONE….THEY…
Thiền và khí công trong phòng, chữa bệnh và giúp tăng cường sức khỏe. Hướng dẫn tập thiền và khí công trong phòng, chữa bệnh và giúp tăng cường sức khỏe. Ví dụ về tắc khí, kém huyết ở mắt nhé, cùng thử tự Kiểm tra mắt:Mắt cận, mắt kém: Ấn đầu lông mày, giữa…