What said and done only useful when help us to know and treat ADHD, Autism, Depression and Suicide, Homocide, Gunfire

What said and done only useful when helping us to know and treat ADHD, Autism, Depression, and Suicide, Homicide, Gunfire, …

I AM SORRY, WE ARE WRONG. Simply Using smartwatch we can know the state of mind, the state of mind, the rhythm of feeling: love, hatred, stress or anxiety. To know the world are HYSTERICALLY STRESSED OR NOT?A new view of autism, depression, ADHD.Thank you, mom and dad, friends, sorry for the pain and hurt that you are experiencing.One thing I know is your child is under stress, extreme stress by themselves or adults. We need to understand them.Stress season of US is highest in January: with the soaring of death, and cardiovascular stroke. Maybe they are too stress because enjoying time passed, boring stressful work begin and stressful paying credit cards for the amount that overspend before Holiday, New Year’Eve, and black Fridays. School also make American stress. The number of death reduced substantially during summer vacation, and the number of injury for kids is increased, maybe the kids play more freely than other time. One thing to check about the effect of schooling in society: look at the diagram of the death rate between America and Europe with Australia and New Zealand. The pattern is so obviously opposite according to the different school schedule and summer vacation.Best of allEmbrace him with love, connection, free stress environment, and chances of joy, happiness to build his abilities. Stress dominates him that he is out of control. Think of meditation. All of these will soothe the overactive or stressed mind. Think of the moment you are under extreme stress, you may react like him, you may hurt other unconsciously. 

The world is spending half of it money: $ thousand billion on buying the weapon for finding safety, certainty or peace. Then they spend $ thousand billion on medicine, luxury products, cars, villas for find the feeling of significance, recognition, importance, and they spend other $ trillions on medication, the drug with the hope of sleeping well, relaxing, relieving, and enjoying the artificial comfort and happiness???

A stress moment can kill a student.
A stress moment can kill a bankerA stress moment can kill a CEOA stress moment can kill a politicianThey are strong but the severe stress moment can have affected all their life. It embeds in their brain, cell, an organ that we do not consciously know but the subconscious mind know that moment: smell, sound, noise, invisible signal then create the conditioned responses to it.You seeSoldiers in ended 1950 are still under stress with any mild unwanted triggers.
Language, religions, accents, belief, behaviors, rituals, religions and funeral religions are the conditioned responses: you, your friend and partners have big differences in these: Will you dare to try to change with other people to enjoy their belief, rituals, and religions. Even the name of you and your dogs are results of Conditioned responses with languages. You like all of these because you have been conditioned, not you like and chose these. The process of conditioning is so well and silently that you may think you have the separation. You may die or sacrifice for the adopted assumption, belief, and religions. People are so ignorant that people in one family, community, region, district, class, city, countries are fighting for the changing opinions.

“No disabilities, no mental illness, no murderer are born. Only healthy babies, all doctors, physicians, and medical test said that. Only angel babies are born, all parents, adults said that”ButThey live in stress, eat in fear, sleep in anxiety, playing in the boring safe side, wear luxury clothes in discontentment, study with pressure, and sexing with contempt. They never find real joy, happiness.

Stress chemical: Adrenalin, noradrenalin, and cortisone. And happy chemicals: Endorphin, Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin; these chemical secreted in the body according to the state of mind. If an individual changes the state of mind, they may change the chemical in the body. Chronic Stress people may get the serious side effect of Stress chemicals. List the effects, and side effects on the medical books we know the results of stress on the body.

–         Effects of Adrenalin: Sweating, Nausea and vomiting, Pale skin, Feeling short of breath, Dizziness, Weakness or tremors, Headache, Feeling of nervousness or anxiousness,-         Effects of Norepinephrine: Pain, burning, Numbness, weakness, or cold, Slow or uneven heart rate, Trouble breathing, Vision, speech, or balance difficulties, Blue lips or fingernails, Spotted skin-         Less serious side effects Cortisol: Acne, dry skin, or thinning skin, Bruising or discoloration of the skin, Insomnia, Mood changes, Increased sweating, Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, stomach pain,-         Serious side effects cortisol: Vision problems, Swelling, Rapid weight gain, Shortness of breath, Severe depression or unusual thoughts or behaviors, Seizures, Bloody or tarry stools, Coughing up blood, Symptoms of pancreatitis: pain in your upper stomach that spreads to your back; nausea and vomiting; or fast heart rateBecause of me, because of you I always enjoy these chemicals in eating, receiving, getting, giving, sleeping and enjoying. –         “Because of youI never stray too far from the sidewalkBecause of youI learned to play on the safe side so I don’t get hurtBecause of youI find it hard to trust not only me but everyone around meBecause of youI am afraid”-Kelly Clarkson: because of you-

Value of character, the adjective of character: Discontented men react to good unwanted things discontentedly. Contented men conditioned responses to response contentedly to any unwanted things, problems, and challenges. He is ADJECTIVE character means he conditioned ADJECTIVE responses or his responses to thing adjectively.Worst of all, he is intelligent but corrupt, means he finish well the corrupt works intelligent that no one until hundred years later.Seeing a girl with college education screaming and running away when seeing a cockroach I understand the useless of knowing or formal education. Seeing a small brave girl ready to fight with a thief, a dog to protect her friends and understand the value of characters.”All on oneOne in allChildren are family

Family is nation

The nation is the world”Dopamine: get a goal, finish a task, and achieve a purpose, finish a job, win the lottery: gambling, betting. Get hits, like or good comment on Facebook, Get good grade. When you find a big bargain in a buying, your purple widen. Excessive dopamine can increase the heartbeat, ventricular arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, ectopic heartbeats, Tachycardia, angina, palpitation, bradycardia, vasoconstriction, hypotension, hypertension, shaking or collapsing are listed on all pharmacology books.When you are joyful or excited, you have Piloerection, Nausea, vomiting, Anxiety, Mydriasis – caused by dopamine.- Endorphin is the reward of labor.- Serotonin comes when you get close contact: skin to skin, kiss, hugs, embracing, intimating acts. Or the feeling of belonging and significance. Dogs can make the owner have these feelings. When doing good, kind, and helping others. An act of goodness: the doer, the receiver, and the watcher will have the feeling caused by this.Dopamine and Serotonin is the chemical that all psychic medication used to increase in patients. All medications for depression aim at increasing these.

Lastly, the chemical is oxytocin: sex, love, skin contact, and giving birth are high in this.

Scientists find that oxytocin may help autistic mice. they will do more research in future to apply to the autistic child. They do not know that these happy chemicals are secreted when they treat well with each other with love, close contact, connection, supporting and trusting.

Using smartwatches to know the emotion, thinking of people is a good suggestion by observing physical figures: heartbeat, blood pressure during the days, events, years and important Missions.

When people can sense the changes in the body with these chemical- it called Gut Feelings: tighten the muscle, throbbing in head muscle, sweating or chill. It is there even we consciously know it or not as the conditioned response to the environment

How about the fragile kid who is forming the immature brain in stress. Best of all is calm stress down by

1. Unconditional love:

2. Connection: people, animal, nature, parents;

3. Unstressed environment: happy, warm, cheering; then make them have

4. Ability to deal with facts of life – the fact that some people may think is the big threat, problems, or danger.

Simple breathing meditation helps children better than medication in ADHD and Autism. Father said: “the day autistic child happy he will less overreact than the stressful day.”

Really good with meditation. It calms the mind and brings the mind to the body. Live in mindfulness by simple breath. Daniel Goleman the author of Emotional intelligence has told the story of applying simple breathing meditation in elementary school in chaos areas. It works.

When you nervous, anxiety, people usually advise you to calm down and breath slowly, deeply.

 How to start:Observe the body when breathing in and out. Or stick a small object on the lower abdomen near then let the kid breath in and breath out with observing the moving of the body.This kind of breath brings the mind of kid back to present. The kid does not have to live with the fear or stress of the past or future. When the mind at ease with the body, the good chemical flush the brain and repair the defect in the brain. Zen masters are the mind master.Cortisone in stress is to prepare the energy in glucose, high energy ready in the body for fight and flight, it reduces the function of the immune system and all other organs. Chronic stress may exhaust the body and impair the organ.

Connect all effects, and the side effect of cortisone, epinephrine, and norepinephrine are described well in pharmacology books, so list them all down, it is the symptoms, severe outcomes of stressed people.

In psychology they overreact, want to be alone, and have abnormal behaviors: it is the instinct of the pain in the stressful environment in the hope of find out safety for the self.

By Observing, parents can know the early symptoms or pattern of stress, unsafety in children since they are one week, one month or two-month-old or three months old babies to prevent earlier Autism, ADHD, Depression, Stomach problem and autoimmune diseases: diabetes, junior arthritis.People are hysterical anxiety or they overreact. They are anxious as a mother anxious when a stranger comes to her home, only her baby alone. She has to go the party for business, she will fear, overreact and does not want to eat at all. Even with needed normal activities like eating, vaccination can make them hysterical. Hysterical parents, hysterical men can destroy the whole society. Putting a cage of snake in the corner of your child’s bed, you may sleep in stress, fear, screaming or overreact. Even you know that the cage is 100% safe.

The family is the only place where the enemies sleep shares the same bed, they may sleep, eat, and enjoy stress. The fact is all will sleep with the stress hormone very tired, terrible sleep: because they do not find trust or safety from the partner. It is devastating to both wife and husband. But the baby bears it all: an infant with a fragile, sensible brain. The immature brain is forming under stress.


When all are high, the organ may send the feedback signal to the brain to stop secreting hormones. The brain still wants to raise the level of preparation of the body to find safety in fight and flight, as the nation raises money to build weapon and army. The lower organs start to send the feedback to calm the mind and effects down to regulate blood pressure, blood glucose and remain Biological homeostasis. The hysterical mind does not want that, Immune system obeys the order of brain to attack the normal cells. Autoimmune diseases started, wars started, stress started.More readings:

The real cause of human problems: Autism, Depression, The four causes of human problems

Conditioned responses, the world have conditioned All things we have are the results of conditioned responses

Four Factors that Determine Autism, Depression, ADHD, and All Health Problems.

Tự kỷ, tăng động và chậm nói mối liên hệ ngầm giúp chỉ ra nguyên nhân, dự đoán, phòng và can thiệp hiệu quả from Van Dao Duy

Seasonal stress in america and world kill the most, not cold, heat or flu from Van Dao Duy

The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure from Van Dao Duy

Tự kỷ, tăng động và chậm nói mối liên hệ ngầm giúp chỉ ra nguyên nhân, dự đoán, phòng và can thiệp hiệu quả from Van Dao Duy

Forgotten philosophy reveal the real cause of human problems: Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide, and Stress from Van Dao Duy
Awaken You Wonderful We – When do we realize the Effects of stress on mind, body, world. from Van Dao Duy
The new view of diseases that helps healing most chronic diseases, chronic problems: Autism, ADHD, Depression, Suicide, and Stress from Van Dao Duy

Time for contemplation: mixing pictures to find out the cause and cure

Tự kỷ, tăng động và chậm nói mối liên hệ ngầm giúp chỉ ra nguyên nhân, dự đoán, phòng và can thiệp hiệu quả from Van Dao Duy
Seasonal stress in America and the world kill the most, not cold, heat or flu from Van Dao Duy
The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure from Van Dao Duy
Tự kỷ, tăng động và chậm nói mối liên hệ ngầm giúp chỉ ra nguyên nhân, dự đoán, phòng và can thiệp hiệu quả from Van Dao Duy

Van D. Dao.(October 2017). Awaken You Wonderful We. KDP Amazon.https://m.facebook.com/story.php…

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