What said and done only useful when help us to know and treat ADHD, Autism, Depression and Suicide, Homocide, Gunfire

What said and done only useful when helping us to know and treat ADHD, Autism, Depression, and Suicide, Homicide, Gunfire, … I AM SORRY, WE ARE WRONG. Simply Using smartwatch we can know the state of mind, the state of mind, the rhythm of feeling: love, hatred, stress or anxiety. To know the world are HYSTERICALLY…

Nguyên nhân và giải pháp liên quan Học Kém, Kém Tập Trung, Tự Kỷ, Tăng Động, Quấy Phá ở trẻ và Mất ngủ, Suy Nhược ở người lớn.

Tại sao bs họ chuẩn đoán nhanh, kê đơn nhanh mà bệnh thì không khỏi, phải dùng thuốc cả đời mà không khỏi Căng thẳng, nóng nảy hay stress có 3 hormon: Epinephine (adrenalin), norepinephrin: cho căng cơ, dồn máu về trung ương, thu rút máu ở ngoại vi làm lạnh chân tay, đỏ mặt…

Save The Good – Wisdom from Idle Contemplation

“Good kids, good people stuck, commit on these because of their Goodness, Consideration, and Helplessness.” Kinds of Stuff of thinking: They love you, do not make them cry, do not make them hurt, do not make them hungry for love because of Ignorance, HatredChúng yêu bạn, đừng làm chúng đau vì cái tham, giận, thắng…

Pictures and Videos to Awaken You for Wonderful We, Kids, People, Countries And World

Videos to watch to awaken you: Awaken You Wonderful We on Amazon  Michael Jackson – Earth Song (Official Video)  Kelly Clarkson – Because Of You (VIDEO): Chorus of the good kids that parents do not know Ebook awaken you wonderful we available free on kdp library from Van Dao Duy Awaken You Wonderful We Fighting at school, work: No…

Immeasurable phenomena in one single fact

Immeasurable phenomena in one single fact – The universe is a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram of interconnected phenomena Extracted from Awaken You Wonnderful We Chapter 6. Immeasurable phenomena in one single fact There are countless phenomena in just one single event. One single event happens to us can create countless changes as responses in our…

Awaken You Wonderful We – Letter to Readers, Parents, Politicians, Scientists to save the victims of Autism, ADHD, Depression, and Suicide Part 4

Continued from: Awaken You Wonderful We – Letter to Readers, Parents, Politicians, Scientists to save the victims of Autism, ADHD, Depression, and Suicide Part 3 “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”                                                                             Albert EinsteinChildren in the city have less chance to interact with others; they spend most of the time on television,…

Review part of the book Awaken You Wonderful We

Hi allI am Van, a pharmacist, personal development lover, meditation practitioners, healers and lifelong learner. My projects want to have your advice and suggestions:When do we realize the Effects of stress on mind, body, world? In mind, the brain we called mental problems, insomnia, ADHD, a headache, suicide problems, social problems.This is my total new…

Philosophy, Science, Medicine, Brain, Mind, Body and Diseases in the Words of Nursery School for All

“Greed, anger and ignorant, Redefine of happiness, what is the heaven look like? The new way of thinking let us know and treat ADHD, Autism, Depression and Suicide, Homicide, Gunfire, and autoimmune diseases, all social problems and mental problems. And what are the hidden causes?” AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE1.  Summary:Sorry, if only when you make…

Nguyên nhân và giải pháp liên quan Học Kém, Kém Tập Trung, Tự Kỷ, Tăng Động, Quấy Phá ở trẻ và Mất ngủ, Suy Nhược ở người lớn.

Nguyên nhân và giải pháp liên quan Học Kém, Kém Tập Trung, Tự Kỷ, Tăng Động, Quấy Phá ở trẻ và Mất ngủ, Suy Nhược ở người lớn.

Và cơ chế can thiệp tự kỷ là gì mà nhiều trẻ khỏi. Can thiệp chả có gì ngoài các yếu tố tương tác môi trường, ăn, chơi, chạy, cát, nước, tự do và can thiệp hiệu quả khi giáo dục bố mẹ. Thực tế nhiều bé tự kỷ khỏi bởi tương tác có tâm đó.

List of the best writings in the web Awakenyouwonderfulwe.com listed from A To Z

Contents of the Book: Awaken you wonderful we Popular Posts Awaken parents, teachers, leaders, – the saving for Autism, ADHD, Failure, Depression, Suicide, Mental illness, and other problems learned from the conversations of the OldAwaken You Wonderful We – Letter to Readers, Parents, Politicians, Scientists to save the victims of Autism, ADHD, Depression, and Suicide…

Religions of kindness: River, pond, sea, lake are the different names but contain contain one thing: water, so do the religions.

Religions of kindness.River, pond, sea, lake are the different name of things contain water, so do the religions.Awaken parents wonderful kids – Awaken teacher wonderful students – Awaken physicians wonderful patients – Awaken leaders wonderful world.Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Jesu, … taught and live with this.But shallow of love may make the pain more than love….

Countdown of the book “Awaken You Wonderful We” on Amazon

My book is available on Amazon AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WEHow do we create heaven on earth?The secret of one-page table reveal all the real causes of all phenomena and problems:Most phenomena, physical problems, mental problems, social problems and how to solve them:AbilityAutoimmune diseasesBelief systemGut feelingsHysteria***********LearningLearning difficultiesMental problemsADHDAlcohol use disordersAnxiety disordersAutism*************Behavioral disordersConduct disordersDepressionDrug use disordersEating disorders*****************SuicidePhysical healthSchool problemsStressTalent Brief…