All about self-healing, self-treating chronic diseases, Meditation, alternative therapies, NLP, removing trigger points, self relieving pain
All about self-healing, self-treating chronic diseases, Meditation, alternative therapies, NLP, removing trigger points, self relieving pain, traditional medicine, Vietnamese Qigong, Affirmation, health, inner peace, wisdom, enlightenment, and love-hug-kindness-challenging-understanding – abilities.All are available on Open article and my Slideshare
The 4 articles, the topic of the article to deal with health problems:
1. The Cause and Possible Cure for Cancer and Chronic Diseases from Applying Papaya Leaf Juice, Baking Soda, Aspirin, Sugar, Temperature, Vietnamese Qi Gong Breathing, Exercise, Metabolism, and Traditional Medicine.

2. The Relation Smoking, Breathing, Glycemia and the Rate of the Metabolism that Reveals the Effective Way of Controlling Body Weight and Glycemia

3. Removing trigger points and balancing metabolic reactions are the keys to fatigue, nerve pain, chronic illness, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s diseases, vestibular disorder, and neurodegenerative diseases.

4. The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure.

All are available in the book on Amazon:”AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE: One-page table reveals all the real causes of phenomena and problems: Ability – ADHD, Autism – Depression – Belief system – Gut feelings – Learning -Talent.”

Link of the article in the journal: International Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders

The Cause and Possible Cure for Cancer and Chronic Diseases from Applying Papaya Leaf Juice, Baking Soda, Aspirin, Sugar, Temperature, Vietnamese Qi Gong Breathing, Exercise, Metabolism, and Traditional Medicine from Van Dao Duy

Removing trigger point and balancing metabolic reactions are the keys to fatigue, nerve pain, chronic illness, diabetes, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s diseases, vestibular disorder, and neurodegenerative diseases. from Van Dao Duy
More reading:
The link of the book on Amazon: AWAKEN YOU WONDERFUL WE: One-page table reveals all the real causes of phenomena and problems: Ability – ADHD, Autism – Depression – Belief system – Gut feelings – Learning -Talent
Must know about autism, delayed speech: the key to prevent and cure autism.
Lý do và cơ chế giúp phòng và chữa tự kỷ thông qua phòng và chữa chậm nói
Hiểu về nguyên nhân, giải pháp và cơ chế của tự kỷ chỉ với những câu hỏi cốt yếu bị lãng quên
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